Thursday, April 4, 2013

Six days of Creation

I don't remember when I got up, but I also don't remember having any trouble falling asleep last night. I did all the usual things and had breakfast around 11. It was a rainy day so I couldn't do any yard work. And I didn't put out the recycling. The young tomato plants need sunlight but oh well. I compiled 8 days worth of supplements. I took my laptop downstairs to listen to as I worked. I finished up the quilt labels, and turned to the Creation necklace. I cut strips off of a sheet of posterboard and subcut it into 2.5 inch lengths. I punched a hole in the corner of each one. I tested the holes with a shoelace to be sure it was easy enough for a 3 yr. old. I decided that the kids could color the first one black on one side for day and night. For the second one, I found stamps of clouds and the earth for sky and water. For day 3, I had a stamp for plants and some leaf stickers. For day 4, I had star stamps and I punched some moons out of black paper. For day 5, I found stickers and stamps of birds, animals and fish. I could not find any people stamps for day 6, so I cut some small pictures of faces from a magazine. That brings us to day 7. God rested. What kind of image goes with that? God leaning back with his hands behind his head and his feet up on a desk? So then I decided to work on the quilt label Doris wanted. I fired up the old computer and typed the lines on the screen. I played around with the fonts. When I was satisfied, I loaded it onto the card and placed it downstairs. I went outside to pick some greens for a salad. I cut up some celery and sweet peppers. Because we bought groceries at Kroger, we did not get our regular selection of organic salad fixings. Chris came home as I was checking e-mail and eating my salad. I meditated in the back for awhile, then checked the sewing order on the quilt label. I changed a few things, then reloaded it to the card. I checked e-mail, and googled images of resting. I hardly got any hits and they weren't helpful. Then we went down to watch several episodes of Eureka. They were kind of creepy. Then I got this strange burning sensation in my upper back and neck. I dropped to the floor and it stopped. I had Chris check my pulse just in case this was some strange new heart attack symptom, but my pulse was steady and strong. When we finished watching, I came up to google this new symptom. I thought it might be a blood clot. It wasn't listed under heart attacks, but sounded more like a cervical disc problem. Should I be worried? There were other things mentioned, but I had no other symptoms. Maybe there's too much info on the internet and I have too much imagination. I gave Chris a card to sign that can go in the mail tomorrow. Then we both read e-mail for a bit before going to bed.

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