Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm feeling green...

I slept in a little, too sore to get up. But when I did, I skipped exercising and went straight to e-mail and breakfast. Somehow tapping got lost in the shuffle. I put in a Swanson's order for the things I was running out of, like quinoa. I had told Rebecca that I would stop by the Saturday sewing session to answer some questions she had about the block of the month for March. But I did not feel like driving, so I called her and asked if I could answer her questions Tuesday night at the next meeting. And that was fine with her. I went back to e-mail, and was interrupted by a knock on the door. There stood two Jehovah's Witnesses. They were very nice and I was very nice to them, but cringed when the girl asked if they could come back to discuss the Bible. I had a bad experience with a JW once, and would leave my house when I thought she was coming to visit.
I had been thinking of going to thrift shops to find a pair of light colored shoes with heels for church. Since that would be a pain in the butt, I decided to search the house one more time. I had trouble navigating steps, so I went out the back and down the short stairs on the back of the deck, and around to the garage. I thought they might be in a box for charity. But what I actually did was reorganize part of the basement. An exterminator may be coming and he will have to access the tornado room, but there was so much stuff in the way that even I could not get to it. Also, it doesn't help that the door is in the corner and the doorknob is on the corner side. Chris started the laundry and since I was down there, I transferred it to the dryer. There was a box of wires, headphones, connectors, etc, and I put each thing in its own baggie to separate the mess. I combined boxes of Christmas stuff and gathered a bag of stuff to go to charity. Or Freecycle. Then, because it was such a sunny day, I decided to mow the lawn, or as much of the tallest part as the mower could handle. And I pulled some weeds, too. When I came in, Chris was talking to the voices, well, one voice, anyway. I scrubbed my green feet in the bathroom sink, one foot at a time. Then I sat down and did two 10 by 10 Sudoku puzzles. Then I picked some greens from the yard to go with all the greens left in the frig. I ate it outside, then came inside to read e-mail and work on a 16 by 16 puzzle while listening to some audios. I got tired of that, and went down to cut some green squares for making more star blocks on Monday. I quit at 11 to write this blog post and go to bed so I can teach Sunday School in the morning.

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