Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mom's birthday

I really wanted to wake up at 7:30 because I was excited to go to Sirs with Cecelia at 9:30. And I did wake up at 7:30. But I found a message from Cecelia on my phone (from yesterday) saying she was still not feeling well. I was really disappointed. Then again, a really bad storm was predicted for today and she wouldn't want to drive in it. So I ran through my usual routine, waiting for the storm. While listening to an audio, I caught up on my paper-folding, throwing out the projects that didn't work out. I cleaned up the diningroom table. I trimmed jump stitches from Doris' label. I filled out the repair form for the heart rate monitor and put it in a box. I closed the windows and went to the post office to mail it to the repair center. The post office is near Goodwill, so I stopped by there, looking for church shoes. But they didn't have much. Of anything. I found two tops that might be ok. On the way home there was so little traffic that it was spooky. I guess everyone was worried about the storm. I was still waiting. I saw that the ants, rather than dying from the ant killer, were building bigger, more intricate structures. I weeded a flower bed until the raindrops forced me inside. And then they stopped. Chris came home early, sent home because of the coming storm. I called my parents to wish my mom a happy birthday. I talked to her, and to Dad, and to Kurt. He took pics of her birthday and also their new kitchen floor. The alert sirens came on, so loud that he could hear them in Virginia. Over the phone, of course. There was wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. But I've seen worse here. I went down to cut out more green squares. After supper Chris came down to watch TV. We saw more of 'Bones'. Around 10 he turned off the TV to get ready for tomorrow. And now I am thinking about tomorrow. The local quilt shop is moving and having a 2-day sale. But their lot is REALLY small and I would have to park in the run-down neighborhood. I think the buddy system is in order.
* I tried to crop the pics but the software said they were 'read-only'. Mom got flowers in the shape of a dog and a beautiful cake. *

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