Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tomato Surprise

I got back to my regular schedule this morning. I did my exercises and tappings and e-mail. I put a check in the mail, and put some laundry away. I watched a Susan Schambre video (an hour and a half). Cecelia called to see when we could go to SIRS in Tennessee. We decided on Thursday. I checked out their website and called to see if they have the foam we need. They do, but they won't cut it in the pieces we need. So I Googled ways to cut foam. Seems our best bet is to use an electric knife. I also googled how to get rid of rats. Some site recommend ultrasonics. So I played a Youtube video of a dog whistle as loud as I could. I heard no activity. Other sites say the sound annoys them, but they get used to so it is ineffective. Several sites mentioned that they hate the smell of peppermint oil. So I put some on a cotton ball and set it where one could conceivably come in. The odor was very strong. Later it seemed to dissipate but maybe I just got used to it? I checked my tomato seeds and was surprised to find them sprouted and tall! I went to the Dollar store to find the perler bead kits Shannon told me about. There was only one left. But maybe it will be enough for the Sunday School project. I also bought shoe laces for the kids to string beads or charms on. I also got animal stickers and posterboard. I thought I had fish beads at home. But when I checked, they weren't beads. No holes. I went outside to clip monkey grass. New buds are coming up through the old ones and some got cut off. Chris came home from work. He fixed himself supper but I wasn't hungry. I finished up the quilt labels as much as I could with the info I have. I put Jen's in an envelop with instructions on how to iron it on. I looked around for my supply of beads, but only found really small ones. I did find some sort of plastic nodules that melt in hot water, but you can lift it out with a spoon and shape it before it cools. That might work for something. I never thought that making a Creation story necklace would be so hard. Then Chris came down to watch TV. We saw several episodes of Eureka, season 5. We did not hear the alleged rat tonight. But I suppose I still have to call the rental agent about getting an exterminator. Don't want to take any chances on the one becoming the many.

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