Monday, April 22, 2013

Fish Guts

My phone alarm went off at 8. It should have given me plenty of time to get ready and leave by 9, but I needed a few extra minutes. When I got to church, I left my stuff in the craft room and sat in the fellowship. This is where we now have the opening for Sunday School: singing and praying amidst the clamor of people talking and eating. Jennifer came by with a piece of rhubarb dessert. She encourage me to get one, too. She is from Canada and misses rhubarb. She also donates 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love every two years. After the opening, the Grapes followed me to the craft room. There were 5! They assembled their fish and went on to the kitchen to bake brownies for the old folks home. I cleaned up the table and started trimming paper towel tubes into toilet paper size. Next week the little kids will make binoculars. I spent a lot of time last week researching crafts for Jesus Walks on Water and this one was the best, but maybe only for the youngest. Then the choir practiced for a few minutes up at the front of the church. I got a bulletin and sat in our regular pew. The service proceeded as usual. I was embarrassed at communion to have less-than-clean nails. I just can't seem to get all the garden soil out. After church I talked to Cecelia. We agreed that we wanted a sample of the foam before we made a decision. So when I got home I e-mailed the foam store. Chris was waiting for me to go grocery shopping, which we did. After putting the groceries away, I read my e-mail and had some lunch. I mowed the front yard as long as the battery held out. I scooped up dead weeds in the garden and found my clippers. They were a little rusty, so I got some steel wool to clean them, and a few other bladed items. The guy next door asked me if I wanted some organic fertilizer. He had a bag of fish guts. Sure, why not? I got out my shovel and he brought his shovel and we buried those fish about 4 -6 inches down. I thanked him and he said next time he'd bring us some full fish. Chris started cooking onions on the stove. He asked for a garlic, so I pulled up the biggest one I could find. He cut up the whole thing, greens and all, and stirfried it with onions and peppers. Then he mixed it with ground beef and made hamburgers. I juiced up half of a beet, a cucumber, lemon and celery. I threw in some wheat grass too, but it did not juice much. I chewed on the blades to get as much juice as I could. Then we ate the hamburgers. They were soo good. We watched several episodes of Bones, and when we came up, we could still smell the hamburgers. We found something better to do than blog.
* This is one of the quilts from Thursday night *

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