Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Double Baptism

I got up early thinking it was later, then went back to bed.  The second time I got up I stayed up.  I fixed breakfast and read e-mail.  I showered and dressed.  I assembled some CD's for Jennifer and some fermented coconut milk for Shannon.  Chris put the child seat in his car and we went to church.  I gave the CD's to Jennifer before the service.  There was a double baptism today - two sisters.  Although we sat in the front row, we didn't have the best view.  After church we gave the child seat to Susan who is going to pick up Alec Monday and Tuesday, only she might not need to because Shannon had to stay home with him today, and is going to take him to the doctor tomorrow.  Needless to say, I was not able to give her the coconut milk.  On the way out of church I had a dizzy spell.  When we got home, I picked a cucumber and drank a glass of water.  Then we went to the grocery store.  When we got back, I ate some lunch.  Today I am avoiding tomatoes, peppers and potatoes  - members of the nightshade family.  Yesterday it was meat and dairy.  I thought not eating cheese was hard, but not eating tomatoes is harder, especially when they are ripe and sitting in the fridge.  After lunch I laid in the sun for 20 minutes for a good dose of vit. D.  Then I finished mowing the back yard and re-mowed half of the front yard.  I drank two glasses of water and laid down for a few minutes.  Then I freshened up, and drove to the storage place where some quilters meet once a month.  There were a bunch of ladies there, and I sat down with them.  I pulled out a quilt that needed binding and worked on that.  Others were doing binding too.  It was nice to sit and listen to them chat.  I was late, so it wasn't long before the first one left.  As others finished their projects, they left, too.  Finally it was just Deb and I .  She encouraged me to continue sewing even though it was time to pack up.  We had a nice chat about computer stuff and I managed to sound like I knew what she was talking about.  She showed me a quilt she had on her longarm in her storage cubicle.  When she left, so did I.   I drove home to find Chris watching a movie he bought Friday.  He had turkey burgers in the oven.  We ate supper.  Then he finished his movie while I sewed binding.  When I had sewed as much as I had cut, I went into the garage to cut a top and bottom for the next kneeler.  Chris came in to tell me he was ready to watch Chuck.  So we saw a couple of episodes before he had to go to bed.  The last one ended with him staring through a doorway at his long-gone father who was off screen.  It was not a season-ender, but Chris said we had to save the surprise for tomorrow.  He went to bed and soon it will be my turn.

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