Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July showers bring up flowers

Had trouble getting to sleep last night.   I woke up again in the middle of the night to hear the rain and see thunder. Got up very slowly at 8, read e-mail, did not exercise since walking was hard enough. Got an e-mail from one of the students who took my Celtic spin class. She wanted me to call her last night, but I didn't read the e-mail until this morning. Thinking it was too early to call, I e-mailed her back. Chris left the bread machine on the counter, so I prepared another loaf. She called me back and told me she had made 3 quilts from my class. I sent her the updated version of the instructions. I did not exercise because of my back and I did not sunbathe because the sun wasn't shining and the grass was wet. But after lunch I did go to the tai chi class. I felt well enough to drive, and the class was gentle and slow enough that I had no problems. I was glad I had called Shannon and asked her to call her back-up. Babysitting an active 3-year-old is another matter. When I got home, I worked on the kneeler. I ripped out one corner and basted it by hand before sewing down with the machine. It looked much better. I listened to an audio on photoreading and did several of the exercises. Chris came home and I greeted him before folding two baskets of laundry. Then I took the kneeler cover downstairs to zigzag the edges. I put the foam inside and it was done. I checked my e-mail again and ate supper. Then I started on the next kneeler by assembling the zipper part. It turned out too narrow and I don't know why. Then we watched 3 episodes of Chuck. When they were over, we came upstairs. It was a slow painful process for me. Going down wasn't that bad so how had I lost so much ground in the space of 2 hours? Tomorrow is AMC Organizational Day at work. Kinda like field day for Chris' co-workers. We'll see if I am up to going when we wake up in the morning.

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