Saturday, July 6, 2013

How about a prayer for sewing machines?

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. Finally I re-oriented myself so that my head was facing north. I fell asleep soon after, and now wonder if that was really the reason. I got up about 10 to have breakfast and pack up my machine. I took it to the sew and vac place to get fixed. I asked for a replacement foot pedal for Grandma's Pfaff machine, but he didn't have one and wanted to see the old one. Barbara came in the shop and we spoke for awhile, and I bought some thread. Then I went to Barb's sewing Center because she is the Pfaff dealer, but the shop was closed. Apparently they are only open Tuesday through Friday. So I went home, liberated the knee pedal from the cabinet and took it to the first shop. The man had never seen anything like it and thought it was an after-market job. I left it there for him to check into. I came home and worked on the kneeler. I had to sew with the handwheel, which was slow, but there were only a couple of spots I needed to re-do. I went into the kitchen for lunch, and dropped a gallon jar of kimchi on my right foot. It hurt like heck, but once the pain subsided, I could walk on it quite well. I finished the kneeler boo-boos, and pulled out my old serger. It did well for half a seam and then the foot pedal started burning. Great. But I think I remember that happening before. So I got out the newer one. It takes a degree in rocket science to read and follow the manual. But I persevered until I had the function changed from cover stitch to a two-thread serge stitch. That is when I discovered that the foot was too wide to run beside the cording and still overcast the edge. Double great. I turned to my embroidery/sewing machine, the fifth machine so far. I tried several stitches until I found the one that covered well and used the least thread. I finished the kneeler cushion, and stuffed the foam into the cover. What a tight fit!! Now it looked even worse. I think I will add seam allowances to the next one. And somehow I am just not stitching close enough to the piping. and not turning the corners right. I cut more pieces for the next cushion. Then I decided I needed a break to sew something else. I edge-stitched and quilted the S-shaped quilt that Rebecca gave me. It felt good to do. I went upstairs for supper. Chris made chicken soup with bacon fat. It was good I must admit. Then I used Grandma's machine to sew the ends of multiple strips together to cover more cording. I walked outside barefoot to look at the garden. I found one apple untouched by the rabbits. And two cucumbers that weren't quite ready yet. When I got back inside, my foot started to hurt. I practiced my trombone and then sat in the computer room, reading e-mail and resting my foot on a chair. I tapped and followed some of Brad Yates videos. When Chris was done playing with the voices, I asked him to get me a bag of frozen fruit for my foot. He went to bed, and I am hoping to get there soon.

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