Thursday, July 4, 2013

Progress on the kneelers

I got up before 9, which really surprised me. I started my day reading e-mail. I progressed to exercise, practicing, and breakfast. Then I took a shower. I wanted to lay in the sun, but there wasn't any. It had rained overnight and the grass was damp. I finished sewing my sample of cording and headed to church. I was hoping if I went early and got things started, we might finish before tai chi class was over. But that was unrealistic. Cecelia arrived just as I was bringing the kneelers from the sanctuary into the fellowship hall. I had already brought in the new foam and batting. We laid the foam sheets on a table one at a time for cutting. We used the old foam as a pattern. She held the metal ruler in place while I cut along the edge with an electric knife. It worked well. Then we rolled each piece in batting and spray-glued it on. We arranged the new foam around the communion rail to make sure it fit. Then we put the old foam back into the covers and replaced them at the rail. It was way too late to make tai chi, but the cut foam looked good - good enough to kneel on. She brought an old shower liner to catch the overspray. She was going to throw it away, but I found a use for it. When I got home, I used it to cover one of the boards that funnels the rain away from the house. Chris came home soon after I did. I went out to mow the lawn before it rained. I finished the back yard and one side yard before the drops hit. Chris made meatloaf with cayenne and bacon fat (among other things). It was really good. I watched Youtube videos of ladies making cushion covers. Then Jennifer e-mailed me from her phone to meet her at church. I called to make sure it was her, then left. We talked about EFT, and hormones, and Law of Attraction, and lots of stuff. We even did some tapping before we went our separate ways. When I got home, we went down to watch Chuck. But the DVD player would not work. The power light would not come on. Chris took it apart to get the disc out. Behind the DVD player was a dead mouse. Lovely. I guess the bait is working. Thankfully we have a spare (DVD player), so we used that. After several episodes, we came back up to look up some of the actors that seemed familiar. Then Chris went to bed while I blogged.
* This is Barbara's quilt, ready to be handstitched. But it can't stay there 'cause that's where I gotta cut the fabric for the kneelers *

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