Monday, July 1, 2013

Finishing my to-sew list

I awoke to hear my phone ringing. It seemed awfully early, but it was past 9. The ringing stopped before I could find my phone. When I did find it, I called her back. It was Cecelia and we changed from Thursday to Wednesday. I exercised and read e-mail. I practiced my trombone. I heard the chimes attached to the front door. I wasn't dressed, so I went to the bathroom window to see who might be there. It was a bird. It swiped the chimes with its wing, then flew to the corner to watch the door. It did it again. It gave up when I refused to play. I packed everything I needed for quilting and then ate breakfast. Still, it was after 11 when I arrived at the church. There were plenty of ladies there already. I found a place to set up my machine. The first item on my to-sew list was binding. I had the strips cut so I sewed them together and pressed the length in half. I pinned it to the quilt and stitched it on. It all sounds timely but it took hours because of all the talking and then lunch. Rebecca and I discussed how she made her S-shaped quilt. I figured it was like the circular bargello, but she said it wasn't. Barbara brought me the quilt she started 30 years ago for her son, but can't finish because it is partially hand-quilted and her hands can't do that anymore. Bertha gave me her scraps. She announced a field trip on Friday to Barbara's lake house, but I can't go. Alice showed off Loise's last quilt. Loise died early last week. The funeral was Friday.
The second thing on my to-sew list was putting a border on the quilt top from last week. I brought two choices, hoping for the lighter one. And YES, that was the one that went best. I didn't really know it until after it was sewn on. Having finished my to-sew list, I packed up and came home, arriving only minutes before Chris. I unpacked the stuff that needn't be in the box next week. I came upstairs to greet Chris. When I went back down, it was to get the lawn mower. I took it out for a spin in the front yard. Then I turned it over to scrape out the clumps of grass and put it away. That is when I noticed the birds. Baby birds. The mother had fledged them from the nest in the insulation of the ceiling. They were hopping/flying around the garage. I called Chris to come see. I opened both garage doors so they could get out. One tried very hard to get through the doggie door into the basement. I moved the batting and foam into my car, and covered the fabric. I don't want baby bird poo all over it. We left the doors open and went up for supper. I read e-mail and researched a book I decided to get. I practiced my trombone. We watched several episodes of Chuck. I thought I would rip apart the kneeler to use it as a pattern as we watched TV, but decided it needed my full attention so I could document how to put it back together. Then we went to bed.
* This is my finished top for Linus Project *

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