Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fabric and cookies

I got up early again today. It was a good sign. I read e-mail, swished, and juiced kale, cranberries and a carrot. I was glad I left out the garlic. I showered, and ate breakfast. When I realized that Rebecca would be seeing inside the house, I cleaned up the bathroom and diningroom. Rebecca arrived before 9:30. It was then that I discovered a box on the porch – my latest supplement order. We went to Quilter's Combo because they were having a 35% off going out of business sale. I did not have anything in mind that I needed, so I went around pulling bolts that spoke to me. I left the batiks alone. After I paid for it, Mirna and I helped Rebecca choose fabrics for a quilt. Then I sat outside the door to wait for my friends to pay. It was almost noon before we left. Rebecca took me home, and came inside to give me advice on 'cookies'. I went to the thimble site and had no trouble ordering the thimble. I was surprised and sorry that she stayed for no reason. Then she tried to show me how to delete cookies on my laptop. But for some reason, the drop-down lists were different and we could not find the path to the process. We looked everywhere, and under 'help' for Firefox. Then she left. I ate fish and kimchi. I listened to an audio by a doctor that says 'fat is back'. He is not the first person to advocate a high fat diet. Rebecca called to say 'options' was under 'tools'. Her husband came on the phone to answer my questions about cookies. I ate salad. I started another audio and listened while I raked up leaves where the grass was dead in the front yard. The dead grass came up, too. Surprisingly, there was some left. I spread grass seed over it anyway, and spread hay. Chris came home just as I finished. He asked me to fix some stitching on his tie. I finished the audio and had fish and cod liver oil for supper. I looked for any procedures I may need to follow before I go see the doctor next week – for insurance purposes. At 7 we went down to watch the last two episodes of Inspector Linley. In the last episode he was arrested. Chris set out his clothes for tomorrow and showed me how to run the anti-virus software before he went to bed.
*  This is a class sample I saw at the store.  *

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