Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunny day

I got up at 7:15. Yea! More time to listen to the never-ending audios. I read e-mail, then went downstairs to sew. The laptop battery ran down pretty quickly, within half an hour. So I took it back upstairs and paused the audio. I pulled out the tablet, now recharged. I found another audio that the tablet could play and listened to it downstairs as I attempted to sew the sri yantra segments together. I came up when it seemed like an hour had passed. I exercised, and scrubbed the juicer parts. Then I juiced a bag of cranberries. Even diluted, they had a lot of pucker. I juiced some carrots, celery and sprouts for later. Then I made breakfast. I read and answered e-mail, and took my supplements. I read that intermittent fasting works well for men, but might not be so good for women. I raked my usual sunbathing spot. Whoever moved the sun must have moved it back. I laid down the green sheet to warm in the sun, then sunbathed on it. I clipped grass by the fence, got dressed, and went back out to rake more leaves, since it was such a nice day. Chris came home early (something to do with the long weekend) and said he wasn't playing Battletech tonight. I finished raking leaves. I was out there far longer than an hour. I listened to the rest of the audio while reading latest e-mail. First I drank the dandelion root tea, and then the veggie juice with h2o2. I had a container of sprouts for supper and a little bit of fish with fermented cod liver oil. We were on our laptops for awhile before going down to watch TV. We saw two episodes of Forever Knight, and several episodes of Star Trek, TOS. I swear that Gorn looked so real back in the '60's, but tonight it looked like a plastic dinosaur figure moved by the hand of a child. 
*  Here is a pic from the quilt show last month  *

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