Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fish and kale

My day started early with e-mail. This weekend I decided that trying to get everything done first and then sew for the rest of the day wasn't working out. So the new plan was to sew for an hour first and then worry about getting things done (like e-mail). It didn't quite work the way I had in mind. I put a check in the mail, listened to an audio, drank dandelion root tea (yum), exercised and put laundry away. During the audio, I looked up ways to use food grade hydrogen peroxide, which came in the mail yesterday. (It's good for lots of things, but wouldn't help this fish.)   THEN, I put the fabric and tablecloths from Monday and Tuesday in the washer, and spent an hour sewing pieces on sri yantra. I juiced a bag of cranberries, drank that, then juiced beans and celery for later. I washed the juicer parts outside and noticed the sun. I put on my suit to lay in the sun for 20 minutes. The sun was fickle. I went back to e-mail, but it was after 12. You'd think I would be hungry for breakfast, but since going on a high fat diet, I have had no cravings, and don't care when I eat. I ate breakfast around 12:30. Usually I add psyllium husk fiber, but I read that it is not all its cracked up to bed. I pulled the fabric out of dryer, and left the tablecloths in for more drying. I listened to a tapping audio, and took my supplements. For my hour outside, I planted 7 ornamental kale plants, 4 inside the fence and 3 in the garden where the tomato plants died. I was watering them when my laptop battery ran down. Chris arrived, and cooked the snapper for supper. I went down to iron the fabric and patch my apron. When the fish was done, I came up for supper. There weren't that many bone in the fish, but there were scales to be picked out. I took the head, but could not eat the eyes, even knowing how nutritious they are. We decided to keep them for the stew. I made and ate a salad. I finished the audio I was listening to in the basement. Then I changed my shirt and went to choir practice. On the way home, I stopped at a drup store to print two pics from my camera. Chris was ready to watch TV when I got home. We did not have any Netflix or DVD's from the library, so we watched part of a VHS tape. It was too late to watch it all. Then he went to bed while I typed this post.

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