Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lab work

The alarm went off at 5:30. Chris got up at 5:50 to take a shower. I checked e-mail until he was done, and then I took my shower and got nicely dressed. We left at 6:40 for the lab. We sat in the car talking until they opened at 7. We were third in line. We sat in the waiting room watching the Today show. I was called up to the desk where the lady told me that this lab was not on our insurance plan and that it would cost $600 for self pay. This was nothing compared to the $3000 they would have submitted to the insurance. Still, it hurt. But we paid. Just when the Kennedy story came up, I was called to the back to get blood drawn. I asked if it was ok for me to hyperventilate, and he said sure. But then I didn't need to. I just tapped and concentrated on not having things that are more painful, like back spasms. He was very good, and quick with the three vials. Then he wanted a urine sample: instructions on the mirror. First instruction was to wash hands with soap and water. There was no soap. There was no place to put my purse, or set the cup, etc. I mentioned this to him later and he said the bathroom was used for drug testing so soap and flat surfaces were not allowed. He gave me a stool sample kit to take home. I met Chris in the waiting room and we left. He dropped me off at home and went to work. I wanted to know how fresh the stool sample had to be since the lab is not open on the weekend, but could not get the lab on the phone. So I googled it and 4 days was the limit. I had promised myself that if I got through this, I could do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day. So I laid down to rest, and did not get up until 10:20, longer than I anticipated. I exercised, drank tea, juiced, and ate breakfast. I watched an organizing video. I cut off the gauze ball and the part of the medical tape that I could get off. That hurt more than the needle. I listened to part of a Wayne Dyer audio. It was on my tablet and the connection was lost while I tried to turn the screen off to save battery power. What I did hear him say was that “I am” is the name of God, so when we say “I am sick, fat, miserable, etc” we are taking the name of God in vain. Interesting thought. TQS was asking for people to upload quilt pics. I entered the info and jumped through hoops to find a pic of it, but then the site wouldn't take it. What a waste of time. I laid the two kingsize sheets out on pingpong table, and started basting them together. Then I did some handquilting in the living room. I was vacuuming when 'till Chris came home. We talked for a bit. He made a burrito and I put a bowl of fish soup in the oven and made a big salad while it was heating. I watched an episode of TQS while Chris read his e-mail. Then we watched 4 episodes of Forever Knight. I was tired, so I postponed writing my blog. I used coconut oil on the tape remaining on my arm. I finally got it off. I rubbed coconut oil on my fingertips too (pricked from quilting), and in the morning, all the marks and discomforts were gone.
*  This is the fecal test kit they gave me.  Are they trying to tell me something with that big orange label?  *

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