Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where's the beef?

I heard Chris leave for work. I meditated and visualized before getting up at 7:20. I put on an audio while I cleared e-mail. The interview was about gut flora and autoimmune diseases. It was very informative. I folded the rest of the laundry, exercised, juiced, and ate breakfast. I put on a second audio. I packed my sewing box with the rug project and two squares of muslin. I also grabbed a package of seaweed. I checked the online map, then drove to a church on Westmoreland. I went in the church to ask about the stitch group but no one had heard of them. There was a house next door whose yard was filled with cars. So I enquired there. The room was full of tables and stitchers, some working by hand, and others by machine. One lady gave me a tour. I started sewing strips diagonally across the muslin until I had covered both squares. I gave them to Melissa. Then I cut the skinny scraps into segments for the rug. I sewed on as many as I had cut. The other ladies want to see it after it is finished, washed and dried. I packed up at 2. When I got home, I moved the quilt in the frame up to the living room. I also brought up the light stand and put the 200 watt bulb in it. It is officially too cold to quilt in the garage. Then I raked leaves in my bare feet. After maybe 20 minutes, I drew myself a map of the downtown area, complete with the one-way signs. I had hoped to miss the crossing guard at the school on Garth. I have trouble seeing her hands and was afraid I might not be able to tell if she was stopping cars. I tapped as I drove downtown. I saw signs for a detour and that really alarmed me. But somehow it did not apply to my route. I turned on Eustis, but took a left when I should have gone straight. As luck would have it, the one-way signs were with me and I drove in a big square and made the right decision this time. There was the Dixon meat lady and her coolers of frozen grass-fed cow parts. The parking space in front of her was open so I took it. I paid for my order and we talked for a minute. Then I drove around to the right and back the way I came. I could not read the Franklin street sign because the sun was right behind it, blinding me. I got home safely, and ate some blueberries. I spent another 35 minutes raking leaves in the front yard. I finished the audio from earlier and ate some beef. I did a meditation. Chris came home. I made a salad, and he had a burrito. He asked me what time I wanted to wake up tomorrow because he is taking me to the lab at 7. I said I'd like to wake up at 8 and have it all be over with. When he finished his e-mail, we went down to watch a pirate movie. It was over by 9 and he went to bed. We're probably getting up at 6 tomorrow.
*  This is Lisa's quilt.  Can you tell it is made from striped fabrics?  *

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