Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Breast health

I woke up before 8 but went back to bed for a short snooze. I was imagining working on the Linus quilt, or the fish quilt, but knew that when I got up, I would be reading e-mail. And that is what happened. I used my HappyLight. I did my 3-D exercises. I sat on the cushion to squeeze more water out. I called Sharon about the garage door, but I got voicemail and her box was full and not accepting messages. I was washing veggies to juice when I noticed black birds with red chests fighting to drink water that collected in the chair seat outside. So I put a plastic container of filtered water on the picnic table. I went on with my juicing watching for them to come back, but they didn't. Then, when I looked up from cleaning up afterwards, there they were, but they were having trouble leaning over the edge of the container. So I traded it for a plate. But the birds never came back (as far as I noticed). After drinking the juice, I fixed breakfast. Before I ate it, I remembered to do my chi gung exercises. I ate half of my breakfast, and watched an episode of TQS. The guest used a special ruler that allows her to cut triangles, diamonds and hexagons that all fit together. I thought it would be really helpful, so I clicked on the link, but it was $17. It seemed like a lot for this small diamond of acrylic. Then I listened to an audio on women's health. I learned that 93% of breast tumors had a root canal on the same side. What smoking is to lungs, wearing a bra is to breasts x 4. Breast massage was highly recommended. While listening I was able to sort the recyclables and hopefully remember to put them out on Thursday. I also wrote a check. I found a valentine card from MaryAnn, which probably came yesterday. I went downstairs to find fabric to finish the Linus quilt. It took a while to find something that looked right for sashing. Then I had to find lookalikes for the ones I was running out of. The time seemed to stand still until I realized I could hear Chris walking around upstairs. I told Chris about the interview on women's health. He took it well, and showed great interest in helping me prevent breast cancer. After supper I knelt on the large cushion to get more water out. Will this process ever be over? We watched another episode of Inspector Lewis. I found a splinter in my thumb, which is perplexing since I did not rake today.  Then Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to hear another interview about breast health. It mentioned all the same recommendations, including thermograms instead of mammograms, and not wearing bras whenever possible.
* Here are 4 of my Linus blocks.  I think they will look better with sashing between them.  *

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