Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First sign of spring

I got up to read e-mail, not sure when. I exercised to classical music, and started a loaf of bread. I juiced, intending to go to the Tuesday sewing group, but then decided not to go. So I made breakfast, and ate it in front of the laptop. I looked again for the HC cream. I did not find it, but I did find some organic silica gel. I tried that. It was a sunny day, so I went outside. I wasn't sure what to do, and then remembered that we now have a wheelbarrow. I used it to move wet leaves to the compost pile. I saw crocuses in the garden.  i did not remember them from last year.  Later I looked back on my blog and saw them.  
The wheelbarrow also came in handy for picking up sticks all over the yard. I got dizzy after awhile from all of the up and down motion. I listened to an audio on hormonal health while folding laundry. I put mine away. To prepare for Thursday, I cut squares of three different fabrics for starstruck blocks. I drew diagonal stitching lines on all the small white ones. Then I assembled borders for the fish quilt. That quilt has been hanging around so long it is beginning to smell (figuratively speaking). I calculated how much border fabric I had and how long the borders needed to be, and divided to find out how wide a border I could get. The answer was 6 inches, but I thought it was too wide for the quilt. So I settled for 4 and cut the strips at 4.5 to include seam allowances. Since the fabric is directional, it was good to have extra so I could cut both ways. I was able to watch 2 or 3 episodes of TQS while sewing. Chris came home. He showed me the bread, which turned out to be a small hard lump at the bottom of the pan. Guess it needed more yeast (more than 0). He cooked sweet potatoes and leaks to go with the chicken. I ate the last of the fish and put the skin over the sweet potatoes. It cooked nicely there. The potatoes left a sugary residue in the bottom of the pan. I mixed it with coconut cream. It was very good, but melted the cream. Later we watched Inspector Lewis. Because it was over by 9, Chris put on the pilot episode of The Flash. It ran longer than he expected and it was after 10:30 when he got to bed.

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