Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lion Pillows (and the cleaning continues)

Chris got up really early. I only beat the phone alarm by 8 minutes. I started breakfast then took a shower. I ate breakfast while clearing e-mail. There wasn't much. I got dressed and Chris dropped me off at the church. I was early so I talked to Susan about the rummage sale. I checked the craft room and it was set up for the little kids. I was a bit anxious leading a craft that I did not prepare. I was afraid it would not go well and the kids would be disappointed or unoccupied, OR it would go well and the leaders would think calling me at the last minute was a fine idea. I sat in the garden room for the opening session. It seemed a little disorganized because key people came late. Deidre was assigned to help me with crafts and good thing, too, because the kids needed a lot of help tying, gluing and marking. The color of sharpies we had did not show up well. I was afraid we would not have enough stuffing, but it went a long way. No one seemed to be tracking time and the clocks did not agree. When I got to the sanctuary for choir warm-up, they were finished. Chris came back for the service. The service went well. Afterward we left pretty quickly. For some reason people were not lining up to walk out like they usually are. At home we changed clothes and went to the grocery store. We put those away and ate lunch. We washed Chris' car. I vacuumed and dusted in the dining and living rooms. Then finally the kitchen. I washed the cabinet doors and the window sill. Chris made soup, so I took a break to have some and write up the day so far for my blog before I forgot it. Then I cleaned the garage, or rather swept it with a broom and cleared off the cutting mat on the ping pong table. With the daylight almost gone, I turned to the kitchen, cleaning both countertops and walls, and stove top including the burner bowls. I brought in the patio table and put it in the den with chairs. I set up the ironing board by the kitchen. Chris had been working to save his laptop all afternoon. He finally came to a stopping point, and we went downstairs to watch 2 episodes of The Flash. I planned to go on cleaning after the shows, but was tired and went to bed instead.

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