Monday, February 10, 2014

So I agreed to make cake...

I woke up slowly, and finally got out of bed at 8:20. I deleted all the e-mails I knew I didn't want, then proceeded to open the rest and delete most of them. I emptied the dishwasher while listening to an interview. I juiced celery, red peppers, a cucumber and a small piece of leek. The leek did not make good juice. Ugh. Then I remembered to do the chi gung and 3-D exercises. Finally I fixed breakfast. After eating, I packed a lunch consisting of hummus, nori, olives stuffed with garlic, and coconut water. My sewing box was packed, but I decided to take the PVC quilt frame. So I pulled it apart and put the pieces in the bag I made for it, then tied it up like the Koreans do for carrying. Unfortunately I laid it down again to open the garage door and forgot it entirely. I put my sewing stuff in the car and drove to First Christian Church. Carolyn saw me come in and gave me a tiny jar of her anti-aging formula. I rubbed some on my forehead. Mirna came later, bringing my quilt. It was nicely done. I wrote her a check, then had to move it so the table could be used for lunch. Joan wanted to taste my coconut water, so I let her pour some into a spoon. She said it was good. Rebecca came later (apparently she went to Panda without me), and I was able to give her the bag of fabric she left last week. I also thought to turn in the scarves to the preschool. There was a sign-up sheet for bringing cake or cupcakes for the monthly celebration of birthdays. I signed up for March, and Rebecca signed up then, too. It seems they all think I am going to bring something weird, healthy and unpalatable. I was going to cut some fabric to make sashing for my Linus blocks, but Lauri saw it and wanted it and was willing to give me something in exchange, so I agreed. She went to Hobby Lobby and bought a yard of blue. I offered to pay her 'cause my piece was less than half a yard, but she refused. I worked on the cross project until she got back, and then cut the blue for sashing. I laid out my blocks in a pleasing manner and then sewed the left side of each block to the sashing strips. They were all connected by thread since I did not cut, so the order was preserved. The bobbin thread ran out 4 inches before I finished the last block. During the process, the top thread jumped out of the take-up lever. I decided the problem was in the springy thing, so I leafed through the manual to find a picture of how the springy thing should look. There were not any good ones, but it seemed to be lower in the diagrams, so I pushed it down with a seam ripper and had no more problems (until the bobbin ran out). Then I packed up, hoping to get home before 5. I got home only minutes before Chris did. I went in through the garage, and so did he. I put a bowl of bean soup in the toaster oven. I finished breakfast, then made more fermented nut cheese. Then the soup was hot. I put a large leaf of kelp in it. After ward I had a square of dark chocolate with blueberries. I put some more cream on the spot on my forehead, wondering for the umteenth time why it is so persistent. Then we watched TV downstairs. It was a Netflix movie called A Sound of Thunder, loosely based on a novel by Ray Bradbury. They never explained how stepping on a butterfly on a dinosaur hunt caused the 21 st century to go prehistoric. It was pretty dark, so I asked if we could watch something else to take the edge off. Star Trek to the rescue. Chris prepared for tomorrow, knowing there is a chance snow will close everything. I stayed up to finish my e-mail.
*  this is Bertha's quilt  *

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