Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love and fishes

Last night after posting to my blog, I went down to make the paper-pieced heart block. It has been on my to-do list all week and I wanted to get it done. When I was almost finished, Chris came down to tell me that there had been an earthquake in Augusta, and then he went to bed. So after I finished, I went to my Facebook page to read about things my friends in Augusta said about the earthquake. After awhile, I noticed that the postings were not in chronological order. Some were hours old, and some were days old, all mixed together. No one seemed to be hurt, so I went to bed.
Chris woke me up in the morning with some soothing caresses. When I got up, the sun was shining in the guest room, so I sat in the sunlight and read for 20 minutes. I cleared the first round of e-mail, did my exercises, juiced, and made breakfast. Chris emoted about how messed up the job application system was. After breakfast, I went outside. I picked up sticks, and added leaves to the compost pile. I churned it up a little with my pitchfork. There was a beer can out by the road. I put it in recycling. Then I worked in my sewing room. I put piles of fabric away to make more room to work. I auditioned fabrics for cornerstones and cut up the lucky fabric into squares. I cut the sashing strips, and strips for the exchange Thursday night. Then my cutting table was down to two unfinished projects. I came up about 3:30 to have some seaweed with hummus. Then it was back to the salt mines. I worked on the fish quilt, planning the last section. I came up for supper when I needed a break. Chris was gaming with the voices. After some beef, sweet potato, and chocolate with coconut cream, I laid down for awhile. But the fish quilt would not leave me alone. This time I took my tablet to play while I sewed. The audio was about asking our angels for help. It was after 11 when I heard the game wrap up. I had finished the center and was thinking about borders. I ran upstairs to catch Michele, but she did not answer. Chris thought I had gone to bed, so he did not ask her to talk to me. He went to bed while I was posting to my blog.

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