Tuesday, February 11, 2014

...but I can't find a recipe

I stayed up late last night to tap for a friend in trouble. When I woke up, Chris was still in bed because the arsenal was opening late. It had snowed overnight. I was planning to attend the last part of the Tuesday group, but it was canceled. So I read e-mail, boiled water and did part of my exercises before Chris left. Then I started an audio while I finished my exercises. I wanted a healthy cake recipe for next month without a lot of strange ingredients that I will never use again
and I remembered seeing one for sweet potato cupcakes a couple days ago, but I could not find it now. I juiced celery, cucumber, sweet peppers, and arugula. I drank most of the juice, but saved part for mixing with the powdered foods I add to breakfast. I made and ate most of breakfast. I assembled a week's worth of supplements. Chris indicated that he was coming home early and would be willing to stop at the Asian store to buy me kimbap. But when he got there, they were closed. He came home just as I started juicing our 10 lemons. When that was done, I used a quarter cup of the juice to make hummus. I had a bite of kimchi every so often to add probiotics to my gut. I folded laundry as I watched a DVD on Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. Then I put most of it away. Chris worked on our taxes. I gathered charitable donation figures and medical receipts. Turbo Tax drove him crazy. I searched through more sweet potato cake recipes, but still did not find what I needed. I heated a bowl of bean soup in the toaster oven, and added rehydrated seaweed. I rehydrated it myself. I thought it would taste better than the kelp which I had last night, but no, it was about the same. When Chris finished the taxes, we went downstairs. First we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis, and then Knight and Day since we already know that the arsenal will be closed tomorrow.
*  It snowed overnight, but slowly melted away during the day  *

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