Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I met a new friend

I made up a week's worth of supplements last night. Then I went to bed with the windows open. I got up with the alarm, or so I thought. The clock read 8:30 when I got out there. Strange. I read e-mail, exercised, juiced, and watered the kale. I put 24 balls and magnifying glasses in a bag. I put the bag and the empty honey jar in my car and went to the Tuesday sewing group.  I turned in the bag of toys to the ladies who were collecting cupcakes for trunk or treat.  I talked to Beverly and then to Terry. She offered me a driving lesson. She drives a motorbike (I forget what she called it) just for around town, and it is an automatic. Maybe I should get one too. She invited me hiking this afternoon but I had a previous appointment so maybe Thursday when they hike again. On the way home, I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I ate some in the car, and drove to the gas station. I had to wait until the three cars pulled away, all at the same time. Then other cars came forward to take their place, and I had trouble starting my car. But I got a spot, filled up, and went home. I played an audio Denise recommended on thyroid problems and gluten. I poked out the colored radish bits, then ate the rest of the kimbap with kimchi. I drank the licorice root tea I made this morning. I found a box of supplements on the porch, put them away, and got the mail. I read e-mail, and got hooked on a Quora question and all the answers. Finally I pushed myself away from the computer, got in my car, and drove to Denise's house. On the way, Jennifer called to talk, but I was driving. I asked if she wanted any of what I was going for and she said she'd try the duck eggs. I arrived at Denise's house at 3, then she got in my car and we went the back way to Alison's little farm. Alison showed us the chickens, the dogs, the horses, the mealy worms and the ducks. We got to feed bread to the chickens. The dogs found a dead chicken in the field behind the house. We don't know what killed it. She was still having a problem with the hawks. She is also having a problem keeping her bees alive. I bought soap, honey and eggs. We went back to Denise's house and she showed me around. She has a very nice yard, with a good crop of lettuce and kale. After her husband came home, it was time for me to leave. He complained about the traffic on his way home, so I was worried, but as I was going the other way, I needn't have. Denise called me on the way home to say she meant to have me look at her fermented cabbage to see how it was doing. I had to hang up when I needed to change lanes. On Drake, the jar of honey fell over and I picked it up and held it in place on the passenger seat. That would have been impossible in a stick shift car. When I got home, I ate an egg (store-bought) and some chocolate with dates. I put on another audio. I also had some yellow yam with dates. I took the audio downstairs to listen to as I worked on the banner. I took the backing fabric out of the dryer and ironed it. I drew lines on the banner and pinned along them then stitched. I decided to handstitch around the dove. I had just started that when Chris contacted me on Skype. We talked downstairs and then I took the laptop upstairs to recharge the battery. After his call, I checked for new e-mail, read some previous e-mail, and then brought my banner upstairs to work on while watching the last episode of X-files. After the episode, there was a mention of special features if the disc were inserted in a DVD rom. I thought my laptop was using a DVD rom to play it, but just in case, I put it in the desktop. Still no special features, just a waste of time. I came out to finish my blog and go to bed – somewhere.
*  Shannon the good witch at trunk or treat  *

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