Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pinehurst and some great conversation

I got up when the alarm rang at 8. My phone was in the den recharging which means I had to get up to shut it off. I talked to Dad, then exercised, and made green juice. It was not so bad this morning, but then I realized that I had left out the trace mineral drops. That put it back to absolutely disgusting. I told Dad that we would be leaving and asked him what we could do for him before we left. I was expecting banking stuff, but he gave me a pair of pants to hem. After hemming the pants, I made two breakfasts, one for today and one for tomorrow. I read e-mail, and listened to a short audio. Chris packed the car, and I packed up my laptop. We said goodbye to Dad and got on the road about 11. Chris followed the GPS to Pinehurst, which was not the way we have ever gone before. We stopped in Aberdeen to visit the game store, but there was no one there that Chris knew from when we lived here. Then we stopped at WalMart for yellow painter's tape to mark items in storage on our property. Then we went through the traffic circle (not as bad as I remembered) to Joyce's house. She and her husband welcomed us, and showed us their guest room. We spent the afternoon catching up. She served us meatloaf, potatoes, and green broccoli for supper. The men had ice cream for dessert. Then we spent the evening talking about politics, gasoline, communist countries, getting stuck in the snow, and dumb people doing dumb things. They are both great conversationalists. But it got late and we had to go to bed to get up early to meet our real estate agent in the morning.
 *  I did not take any pics today, so here is one from Chattanooga  *

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