Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Some things are better than expected

Last night after I posted, I asked Chris to tweeze the grey hairs out of my eyebrows. Unfortunately when I do it, I get brown hairs by mistake. I don't have much room left for such mistakes.
Chris' alarm went off at 7. I heard it but did not get up. The bed was too comfortable, or I was. But by 7:30 we were both up. I exercised, and then made my green drink in the kitchen while talking to Joyce. Then I added fermented coconut milk to my pre-made breakfast and ate it. Chris was ready to roll before I was. We planned to meet our agent at the back of the property at 8:30. We pulled up a few minutes late, and waited. Then I called. She was already in the house, looking it over with the man who she gets to fix things. She greeted us at the door, and then showed us the house. It was in much better shape than I had imagined. Of course my imagination was fueled by our agent, and she was surprised too. There were plenty of little things to fix; some normal wear and tear, and some not so normal. And a lot of deep cleaning. Her repair man made a list so he could give us an estimate. She had called the lock people to open the house because no keys were turned in. However, when she got there, the doors were all unlocked. So when the lock people arrived, they were instructed to replace the locks on the three house doors and the garage door. They did that and gave keys to her and us. She gave one to the repair man. He gave me an invoice for some work he did two months ago. I could not believe that she hadn't paid him. So I wrote him a check. He wanted my name, address and e-mail so he could send me a receipt. Then he left. We talked with her a little more, and then she left. Chris opened the shed door and we started going through stuff in there to weed out anything we did not want to ship to Huntsville. Then he went to a store for lightbulbs, paper towels, toilet paper, a flashlight, and batteries. I found a flashlight in the shed, but it needed a lamp-type battery. I went through stuff I hadn't seen in years. I marked several things with yellow tape, but the yellow did not show up well, hardly better than masking tape. I made piles of items to take right away, items to throw away, and items to donate. Chris came back with his purchases. The light bulbs helped a lot. I don't know if the tenants took a lot with them, or they were burned out and hadn't been replaced. I called Ralph, the gentleman who did some fixing up for us when we left back in 2008. He came over to see what needed to be done. Everything he saw, he said was a small job. We told him he could have the hottub since it would be too expensive to haul it to Huntsville and we did not know if it worked (the tenants drained it and turned it off. Also, something happened when they moved out and the top was stove in so it was full of pinestraw and dirty water). He seemed happy about that. After he left, Hannah walked over to talk and say how happy she was that they moved out and that she wished we could move back. We went through stuff in the garage, moving to the shed the items we wanted to ship. We came across items that belonged to Michele's childhood which made us both cry. We found Grandma's grill, and Chris' grandma's parrot. Parker called to say the tenant wanted to come by and apologize, but lost his nerve so he called her. He wanted to come over and get some more of their stuff. He also offered to haul off everything else (theirs and ours) if we paid the poundage fee charged by the dump. Durham drove over on his lawn tractor. He likes to talk, and was also glad that the tenants had left. After he left, we walked around the property finding items left by kids, mostly full of water and probably growing mosquitoes. The bushes were overgrown, but it could have been worse. Then we finished up in the shed and garage because the daylight was fading. I took some pics of holes behind the house. Our host called to say that supper was almost ready. We hadn't known we were invited for supper, but it was really nice since we hadn't stopped for lunch. We drove back to her house. As we sat for supper, I realized just how tired I was. Joyce served us chili that she made in her new crockpot. It was good, especially with the cheese. We told them about our day, and they told us about theirs. Then the conversation turned to other topics, like previous employments. By nine we were tired and ready for bed. But of course we had to check e-mail first and I was surprised to see over 200 unread e-mail messages. I deleted the ones I had no intention of reading. Then I wrote to my blog, trying to remember what all had happened during the day. I know I will have to tap for all the feelings that came up as we went through our stuff, discarding things that triggered old memories, and wondering if I would be sorry later for anything we left behind today.

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