Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The sauna at the gym

Last night I sat in the dark, tapping and getting up now and then to add to my list of things I want to discuss with Parker – if she ever answers the phone or calls me back. I laid down in the tent, but like last night, I left the tent in the middle of the night to drink and go potty and then fell into bed until morning. I stayed in bed a little late, then got up to vacuum my computer fan ports because the fan makes so much noise. Then I turned on the laptop and the router. I also vacuumed the bathroom, hallway, and part of the den. I drank several glasses of lemon water. I killed a roach crawling on the counter top. Then I locked the dishwasher and plugged sink to stop others from coming in. I washed three water bottles and the water pitcher. I played an audio, while I exercised. I saw the meter man come by to read the meter. I wasn't completely dressed, so I hid. But I was glad to see him, because it means we don't have a smart meter. I ground coffee, and boiled water and drybrushed. I did a detox, then poured out the coffee grounds. That is when I realized that the kale I planted yesterday never got watered. I watered it hoping it wasn't as dead as it looked. I got dressed, packed a gym bag, and filled three water bottles. I took a bag of Dvd's and a bottle of coconut water to post. I waited in front of the gym for Denise. When she arrived, I followed her to the women's lockerroom and sauna. I put on my bathing suit and put everything else in a locker. The sauna was small and private so we talked in there. We stayed a little long, about 40 minutes. We came out to cool off and finish our conversation. After she left, I went back in for a while, tapped, then took a shower. I got dressed, and drove to the library to drop off the DVD's. When I got home, I put fish soup in a bowl in the toaster oven, then realized that I never got breakfast. So I made breakfast, ate it and then ate the fish soup. I finished an audio from this morning and another one. It was hard to hear over the fan noise, but then later it quieted down. The second audio was on the danger of smart meters. Not only is there a risk of dirty electricity, and pulsed radiation, but also the potential for the meter to send information about what electronics are used in the home and when, possibly even what channel you're watching. This is info that can be sold to third parties. The risk is even greater as many appliances are going online. I went downstairs to pull some fabrics together for the last row of the red altar cloth. When it was time, I grabbed my choir folder and tablet and headed to church. I guess I didn't need the tablet because Shannon was there. She has been gone since January. We practiced 4 songs. Then I stayed after practice because Jennifer wanted advice on how to hem her daughter's concert dress. The school had just given the dresses out and the concert is next week. It was a multi-gored a-line dress, and Jennifer only wanted a temporary hem since the dress is supposed to be worn for the the next three years. I recommended tape and Mary suggested stitchwitchery. We also looked at taking it up in the shoulders instead. There was not a good way to do it. When I drove home, it was dark. I called up an audio by Jack Canfield on my laptop and took it downstairs to listen to while I worked on the last row. Chris skyped me and it was loud enough to get my attention. I brought the laptop up so we could chat in comfort. He kept it short because he was tired. He said there would not be a time change there, so when we in the states 'fall back', he and I will be on the same time schedule. I posted to my blog, hoping to make it through the night in the tent.
*  This is a quilt top that Bertha made  *

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