Saturday, April 9, 2016

Caught up on BOM

I got up about nine. Steve had already left. I checked e-mail and drank water. After reading an article about sunlight, I went outside to water the plants. Chris was playing with the voices, so I used my headphones to listen to an interview and then meditate. I looked up my tahini bread recipe. I put yeast in a bowl to rise. Chris had gotten a haircut yesterday and it inspired me, so I trimmed my hair in the bathroom and wiped up all the hair. I brought in the garbage can. I collected garbage from the bathrooms. I swept in several areas. I made and ate breakfast. I let the yeast rise a few more times and then put it in the bread machine with flour, etc. I listened to an interview on the benefits of going barefoot. Apparently it activates all kinds of motions and nerves in the feet that benefit the entire body. He has a company Xero Shoes, that makes thin lightweight footwear. When the bread dough was mixed and risen, I made it into large long rolls and left it to rise again. I looked into ordering a pair of the sandals. I think I walked outside. Chris did laundry and ran the dishwasher. When the rolls had risen enough, I put them in the oven with the pork that Chris was slow-roasting. It was only 250 degrees so I figured it would take longer. I set the timer for 45 minutes and we went for a walk. We walked up the trail and around. The timer had just started beeping when we came in. But the rolls were not done. I put them in for another 15 minutes, and another 15 after that. Then I cut one open, and pronounced it done. I went into my sewing room and worked on the last block of the month. When the pork was done, Chris put some on one of the rolls and brought it to me. I am not proud of the fact that I ate it. But it was good! Then he brought me more pork, but with a salad instead. I finished the block. When I came out, Chris was emptying the dishwasher. I helped with the pork. He had put a jelly roll pan under the dish of pork and it was full of pork oil. Oh, so yummy. He cleaned that up and we sat down to watch CSI. We watched a lot of episodes because I misread my watch. Steve came back from wherever he went and I had to quick cover up with the quilt we keep on the couch because I had taken my shirt off. At the end of the episode, he went to bed and I put my shirt back on. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up just long enough to blog.

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