Monday, April 11, 2016


I woke up when Chris left the house for PT with Scott. I stayed in bed in a dream state until my alarm went off. Then I struggled to get out of bed, my back muscles in a clench. I swished while washing the dishes left in the sink. Chris came back from PT, greeted me, then went in the back. Steve got up and spoke to me but my mouth was full from swishing so I could not answer him. He said if I needed anything from Daegu to call him. Then he left. I finished washing the dishes in the sink and went in the back to spit and Chris was lying on the bed, tired from PT. I won't describe what happened next. Steve came back to get something he had forgotten. I drank a quart of lemon water while reading e-mail. Chris took a shower and got on his computer while eating breakfast. I listened to an audio, and exercised, and drybrushed. I boiled water for coffee. After my coffee morning, I cleaned the coffee utensils, and started making breakfast. Chris came home with my JoAnns order, made a sandwich and went back to work. I finished making breakfast and ate it while listening to an interview on Lyme disease and alzheimers and parkinsons. I listened to another audio on lyme disease. I opened Ashley's envelop to find a save-the-date magnet, which I put on the fridge. I called Mrs. Byrne but there was no answer. I opened the Jo-ann's package to find 6 cone thread holders and some Insul-brite. I was hoping it was the t-shirts. Sigh. I called Myra and heard she had made cookies, which made me remember to make seed crackers. I made hummus while they were baking. Then I made mayonnaise because it uses the same immersion blender; and I thought it might be good on the seed crackers. I had to clean the kitchen again. Nela called: she wanted to go to Masan instead of Busan tomorrow. There was only one yard of silver ironing fabric in the order. I got my iron caddy out of the car and flipped it this way and that, trying to get three cuts of it out of the one yard. But there was no way. I measured the leftover to see if I could do a third cut with one seam, but it would take at least 3. I sorted the fish blocks by color, even the unfinished ones. Unless I miscounted, I have enough, more greens and purples than the other colors. I was counting leftover half square triangles when Steve arrived. He started right in and asked me to follow him to the kitchen so he could get a glass of water. The path of least resistance was to go. We talked until Chris came home, and beyond. Chris made himself supper and I made a salad. Finally, about 9, I broke off to watch CSI with Chris, but there was only time for one episode. Steve left when we turned the TV on. After CSI, I checked e-mail one last time, posted to my blog and went to bed.
* These are the 8 Blocks Of the Month that I have directions for so far *

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