Sunday, April 17, 2016

Trimming grass and pulling weeds

We woke up before the alarm went off, but did not feel like getting out of bed. I kept hearing something that I thought might be a low battery sound. When I finally got up to check it out, I no longer heard it, so could not find it. Chris showered and dressed and went to church. I checked e-mail. I turned off the crock pot. I picked the bones out with chop sticks. I ladled out the fat and put it in one jar. I ladled out the broth and put it in another. The veggies and bits of meat went into a third container. I emptied the sink, then washed the crock pot bowl and the metal part. I took a shower and got dressed for church. I had to iron my dress. I placed a Swanson's order and then I listened to part of an audio. Chris came home from church and offered me a ride. So I put on my shoes and got my purse. He dropped me off at the chapel and went to work. I met Scott and Myra going in. I sat in my usual spot and they sat with me. The young songmaster played three praise songs on his guitar. I had heard them because he had sent me the links, but others must not have because they did not sing. Jane came in late. We had a fill-in pastor because our chaplain is on vacation. He asked for someone to pass the offering plates, which we don't do. And after the sermon, he announced the end of the service. We kind of looked at each other wondering about communion. I looked in the back and the wine and crackers were not there. The organist came to me to ask why I did not eat with them Thursday night. I could not remember Thursday night so I mumbled something about my back. Presently it came to me that there was an FRG meeting. So I mentioned that and she said to come next week. So I had to tell her that I don't eat what normal people eat. Then she said her English was not so good. So I guess she did not understand. I went outside to meet Chris, but he was not there. I called him, and in a few minutes he arrived. We went home and I changed my clothes to pants and top. We walked to the Korean church for lunch with Jane (and the rest of the congregation). Several Korean ladies shook my hand and said they missed me. I had not realized our absence was noted. We stood in line to get food, then sat on the floor by a table. On the table we found lettuce and plates of bite-sized pork pieces. Also red sauce and garlic. As we ate, Jane talked to the ladies around us. One tried to talk to me, but her English was not good and with all the noise in the room, I could not make any of it out. After the meal, Jane asked someone to take a photo of her with us and the other lady. Since I know Jane loves having her picture taken, I got out my phone and turned on the camera function. I took a surprise photo of her. Then she made Chris take our photo with my phone. We put on our shoes and walked back to base. I went to the ATM to get cash for the week and Chris went to work. I read e-mail for awhile, worked on a Sudoku puzzle and did some tapping. But it was so nice and sunny (after such a rainy yesterday) that I went outside to trim grass and pull weeds. Some of them were chickweed. I wasn't certain, but I ate some and did not get sick. The sun got low and Chris came home. He asked if I was cold, but I said no, I was sitting on a hot sidewalk. I clipped and pulled until I reached the halfway mark where the neighbors property begins and quit. As I came inside, I noticed the cucumber sprouts were so tall that they were falling over. So I quickly planted them in the flower bed. I came in to jot notes for my blog. I worked another Sudoku puzzle. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to an audio. Then I laid on the couch until Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw two episodes of CSI. We dressed the bed. Chris laid down with a book and I stayed up to post to my blog. Then I deleted most of the pictures from my camera to make room for more.

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