Friday, April 29, 2016

Reaping and sowing

I was awake before Chris' alarm went off, but he did not get up for another hour. So much for PT. Then I heard my alarm go off, but did not feel like getting up at that point and wished I had gotten up sooner. I got up when he came back for his shower. I swished and drank water while reading e-mail. I hustled to get dressed and run to the FFTC building for roundup. But it got postponed while I was on my way. I found out on the elevator when I asked the other occupant if she was going to the community round-up and she said the notice had just gone out on Facebook. So when I got there, I looked inside the auditorium, and something else was going on. I headed for the stairs and there came Chris. I told him it had been postponed an hour. We walked home together. He had something to do online that his work computer could not access. I read e-mail and looked at a Pinterest site that had one of my pins. Then we walked back to the FFTC auditorium. Few people came, but they had it anyway. I told Myra that combining sewing class with QOV did not work well. The commissary announced that anyone wearing purple to the commissary would get a free box of freezer pops. Myra wanted them for the lemonade social so we agreed to go wearing purple. But then MC scheduled a meeting with her. So we walked to the gym to drop off my locker key. She showed me some hosta we could dig up. She gave me a leftover impatiens. I came home, dropped off the impatiens, put on a purple shirt and went to Chris' car to get my sewing box. I thought about storing a machine at the chapel so we wouldn't have to lug so much on QOV days, but any machine I leave there, I won't have access to on sewing night. The only machine I am comfortable doing without is the one that was damaged in shipping. No one else would be willing to go through the agony of sewing on it. I jotted some notes for my blog. I boxed up the four roses to take to Myra's building. I brought the box back and set it out to dry. I saw Myra had called so I called her back. She was at the commissary. So I left. But I met Danielle on the way and stopped to talk. Later I found Myra with her cart full in the freezer aisle. We talked, and then I picked out an avocado and we checked out. A man came to take our picture holding our free freezer pops. Kim asked to go with us next time we went to the fabric market. I pushed the cart out while Myra got the car from her husband. I rode home with her and helped her carry groceries in. Then I came home for breakfast. I was so hungry that I ate one of her breakfast cookies, even though I just found out that she made them with honey from a plastic bear. I made breakfast and read e-mail. When I was ready, I called her and walked down there with a box. She had a trowel but must have laid it down when she helped Thunder get untangled from the branch. When we got to the hosta, all she had was the leaf-shaped digger. She used it to dig up some hosta. I took it home and got another box. She showed up with her trowel and two plants in baskets. We walked the trail, looking for ferns growing where the cameras were not aimed. It made for slim pickings. We found some other plants worth digging up. We took turns standing in front of the camera while the other dug up something. We walked all the way back to her house. Then I came home with my box. I sat down to dig around the tree and plant hosta and impatiens and begonias, but there were too many roots so I could only plant shallow things like the ferns and ground cover. So the others I planted around the side of the house. Getting the hosta divided was really tough. But eventually I did it. My hands were muddy but I had to get in the house to get the key to turn on the hose water. Weird, I know. I watered the plantings and came in to wash my hands. I changed my clothes. I made a salad from kale, tomato, and a cucumber. I was reading e-mail and listening to an audio when Chris came home. He had been at Turtle Cove. They had a grand opening of their patio grill and had free food. I finished what I was doing, and we watched three episodes of CSI. He went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* I did not take any pics today, so here is one from a bus stop when we got lost. I think it is a pea plant or a sweet pea plant. *

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