Monday, April 4, 2016

Plantain chips

I woke up hearing Chris getting ready for work. He left soon after my alarm went off. I waited until I heard Steve leave at 8. I got up and checked e-mail, drank water and swished. I decided to make it a coffee morning. I listened to an audio, and several meditations by Oprah and Deepak. I put away all the nuts that Steve brought. I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up. I went for a walk up the mountain, by road instead of the wet trail. There were some great photo opportunities because the air was so clear. But the photos did not do justice to the real thing. Soon after I got back, Chris came home for lunch. There was no mail. He went back to work. I sliced up two plantains and melted some coconut oil. I added some sesame oil to that. I coated all the slices and sprinkled them with a mixture of salt, cumin, turmeric, garlic and oregano. Then I put them in the oven. I cut some squares of fabric. I turned the slices over and put them back in the oven. I cut some more squares and rectangles. See the pattern? Over and over, until I gave up on the slices getting totally crispy. I had hoped to go a day without eating, but I had to eat a slice each time to see if they were done. So I made and ate breakfast. Steve came home, emoted about how no one knows how to do their job, then left again. I decided to work in my sewing room so I would not be available when he got back. Chris came home while I was sewing. I kept having to go to the sunroom to do my cutting since the cutting table in there is higher and easier on my back. Chris made himself supper from leftovers. I finished one BOM and started on another one. Chris invited me to join him in watched episodes of CSI. Just as we sat down, Steve came in the door. He talked for a little bit and we invited him to watch with us. It wasn't long before he went to his room. We saw three episodes. Anna dropped by during one to give me the fish blocks she made before she left for vacation. I wished her a good trip. Chris and I looked up some of the familiar looking faces from the episodes. Chris went to bed and I stayed up long enough to check e-mail one last time. I saw the schedule for attending the fireworks tomorrow night! Then I posted to my blog and went to bed..

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