Tuesday, April 5, 2016

K-pop and fireworks

I waited until the house was quiet to get up, and maybe a little longer. I checked e-mail and drank water with lemon in it. I swished and exercised. I did some dusting and mopping. I cleaned counter tops in the kitchen. I got dressed for yoga. Then I finished the block from yesterday just in time. I grabbed my mat and headed for the gym. But the instructor was out by the pool. So we brought our mats out there. I think she went easy on us today. Then I went home. Chris was eating lunch. He left my mail on my laptop. There was a card from Mary Ann and something about voting in Alabama. Chris went back to work. I read e-mail. I listened to audios from the Lyme Disease Summit while I ate seed crackers and made more seed crackers. I did a little sewing but it was such a nice afternoon that I went outside to find some yard work. I did some raking and pulled some weeds. I could not find a trowel so I used a screw driver. I saw Kelly out playing with her kids so I ran in to get the recipe she wanted. When I had done enough yard work, I came in. I put curry in a bowl in the toaster oven to heat. I took a shower and dressed for the fireworks. I ate the curry while reading e-mail and unsubscribing to a bunch. I meditated with Oprah and Deepak. I jotted notes for my blog. I separated the recyclables and bagged them for tomorrow morning. To take my supplements, I drank one of those energy drinks that Myra gave me because she thought they were disgusting. Chris came home from work. He assembled supper from leftovers. I worked on a block in my sewing room. Steve came in and they talked shop until it was time to go. Then Chris and I bundled up and walked to Duffy's to meet the official CFAC car. But the CO was still on his way back. So we waited. But not for long. Then we were driven out into town. I was amazed how easily we got through the traffic. We arrived in 15 minutes. We found ourselves on a wharf with a turtle ship structure (for kids) on one side and a pagoda on the other. The three of us stood wondering what we were supposed to do. The area was full of people excited to see fireworks. A man was slinging a lighted twirly thing into the air repeatedly. After awhile I got the impression that he was selling them from a large container. So I asked Chris to buy me one. And he did for roughly $4. I tried it but it did not fly and twirl as well as the one the man was demonstrating. Then Ms. Pae arrived. She led us through the crowd to a fenced seating area with a great view. At first it was just us, then other dignitaries arrived. We stood and shook hands with them. This happened several times. Then the mayor arrived. Speeches were given. Then the show began. 6 K-Pop dancers in costumes that lit up like Christmas trees put on a show. When they were done, lazer lights started and the fireworks began. It was quite the show with all the exploding choreographed to the music. There was classical, American, Korean, and country music. Little paper strips were blown high into the air and descended on us. A dragon with a sparkler in it's mouth flew back and forth over head, probably on remote control. And more fireworks. Finally it was over. My teeth were dry from staring open-mouthed. We got up and stood talking to the CSO and his family. Then we walked to the nearby ROK base to meet our driver. It took a little longer to get home since so many people were leaving the area. Then we were dropped off at home. Steve was still up. I took my twirly thing outside to sling, but it did not do well. I examined it under good light and discovered that it was broken I managed to fix it with tape. Chris went to bed. I planned to do the same after I wrote to my blog, but Steve sat down to rant about people who are idiots and people who don't do their jobs, and people who don't like him because he tells them the truth about themselves. Finally I interrupted at 11:30 because I wanted to finish and go to bed. But he got started again. At 11:45 I interrupted again. This time I told him to go. I wrote to my blog and hopefully I will be in bed soon after midnight. (Or not, since I used Chris' camera and it won't fit my phone cord...)

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