Sunday, September 25, 2016

Beauty and swap party

We slept in late, but Chris got up in time to shower and go to church. I read e-mail until 9:30. Then I showered and got dressed. I quickly watered the plants. Chris came home. He offered the couple next door a ride to church. But they wanted to walk. Chris drove me to the chapel. When I sat down, I noticed the couple several rows ahead. The sermon was about friendship, starting with the one between Grant and Longstreet. I thought Chris would have enjoyed that. After the service, several of us chatted about playing music in church, and getting together on Wednesday. Then Chris and I walked to the commissary for groceries. There were ladies there in a chatty mood. Kelly told me how tired she was after visiting the fabric market yesterday and that she woke up with allergies. I told her I thought the whites of my eyes have been red lately and she confirmed it. So it was well past noon when we got home. I made and ate breakfast and read e-mail. I filled a small box with items for a face mask plus cotton balls and swabs. I walked to the Housing Center and took the elevator to the second floor. About 5 ladies were there, including the Admiral’s wife. The tables were set up with cute floral bouquets in cups and food brought in by the ladies. A few more came as we chatted. Suzanne herded us toward the food and I suspected she needed someone to go first so I did. I had some of the fruit platter and some of what Anna brought, plus the cheese dip that Suzanne brought. Then we all sat down in a square to eat. The conversation was pleasant. Then Suzanne talked about preparations for going to the Navy Ball and beauty tips. Other people shared what they used. Danielle brought rose water and she let me spray some on my face. It was lovely. I passed around the lip balm I made. Then we looked at the clothes that people brought to swap. By and large they were too small for me. There were gowns and tops and pants and shoes. I had forgotten to bring anything. Eventually most of the ladies left. I started helping to pack up. Bandy had texted me earlier to see if she could come over at 5. As I was heading out with a plate of fruit (which I gave Myra some money toward), Bandy called to say her replacement had not shown up. I went home and gave the fruit to Chris. I ate some chicken and kimchi while I read e-mail. I looked up rose water on Amazon. I listened to an audio from the Matrix summit. Bandy texted that she could come at 8:30. I posted to the community page that QOV was canceled for Wednesday because someone else took our room. The post included a pic of the stuffed pumpkins I want to demo. I told Chris how frustrated I was that our group got bumped from the room at Housing for this Wednesday. We discussed it. I called Myra, but there was no answer. I watched an episode of Bones, in the middle Myra called me back, finished episode, found a bmp of a chart for body measurements, Bandy came over before I could print it out, but she had her own. I took her back to the sewing room and measured her, writing each one down on her piece of paper. I cued up the next episode of Bones. I tweezed my eyebrows while waiting for Chris. We watched two episodes of Bones together. When I sat down to write my blog post, I noticed that all the notes I had taken were gone. The notes were from the Alzheimers summit. Arrgh! I recreated my day in print. I looked up one of the characters from the last episode we watched. Then I posted and went to bed.

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