Friday, September 23, 2016

Getting ready for tomorrow

I got up a little before 8, hearing weed eaters outside. Chris was gone. I got dressed and went out to water the plants. Korean yard men were cutting the grass on the hillside. It did not need cutting so I was confused. I watered my potted plants and the ones in the flowerbeds. I got out the clippers and trimmed the lawn so that I would be out in the sun for at least half an hour. Then I came in and picked up around the house but especially in the master bedroom in preparation for the Housing people to come at 9 to fix the toilet. I sat in front of my laptop with a quart of lemon water to read e-mail. 9 am came and went but the men did not come. I listened to an interview from the matrix reimprinting summit. She talked about meeting dead relatives in a place between heaven and earth to resolve issues. So I tried it. The Housing people called to make another appointment at 1:30. I made a new batch of hummus. Chris came home early for lunch. The post office wasn’t open yet, so he did not have any mail. Myra called to say her class had just let out for lunch. I left to meet her. We went walking out in town to the Office Depot. We looked at cutting mats and stuff. I bought some tiny pots for lip balm and a bowl to soak my feet. Sadly, every time I buy such a bowl it ends up full of dirt and plants. We walked quickly back to the base. She had to be back at 1:30 for her class. When I got home, the workman was waiting. I showed him the toilet and did my best to explain that the tank was leaking into the bowl and would refill in the middle of the night. He seemed to get the idea. I read e-mail until he finished replacing stuff in the tank. Then I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home just after 2 with a large box. He pulled out two aluminum water bottles and two laptops. He was like a kid with new toys. He hooked them up and went back to work. After breakfast, I put on shoes and mowed the rest of my lawn and the lawn next door, not to mention the part of the communal lawn that needed mowing. The sky was getting dark so I put the mower away and plugged in the battery to recharge. I went back to e-mail and audios from the Alzheimers summit. I went searching for recommended supplements on Swansons and Amazon. One e-mail led to a site called Rent-a-friend. There was actually someone on there from Chinhae. I wondered if it was someone on this post. Chris came home and put chicken in the oven for supper, then played with his laptop. I checked my rolling cart and its bag to make sure it was ready for tomorrow. Chris suggested a binder clip to hold the bottom in place. I read e-mail while Chris played a game on his new laptop. I got frustrated because I wanted to watch Bones (after getting an e-mail from Netflix that the next season is available.) I folded up the bag on the cart, and tied the binder clip to the frame just in case it came loose. I emptied my market bag and found Nela’s gift to me: a tea towel dress and a spoon. I messaged her on Facebook to thank her. I told Chris it was getting late, soon too late to watch Bones. So he stopped his game and connected his new laptop to the TV. For some reason, when the show started playing, the video portion of the computer screen would not show. The sound was fine. He was very frustrated. He asked for my laptop, but when he signed into Netflix with it, Netflix refused the connection. ??? More frustration. I watched him fiddle with it for some time, and then said that just for tonight, we should just watch it on the new laptop screen. And so we did. BUT, it was a TO BE CONTINUED episode. So we HAD to watch the second one as well. So much for going to bed early. I threw some fabric into my cart bag to take along to the market, and a bottle of coconut water. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Colorful language to go with a colorful keyboard *

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