Monday, September 26, 2016

To market, to market

I got up about 8:30. Chris was in the shower then got dressed and went to work. It was coffee morning. I made coffee and exercised and rebounded and drybrushed and listened to audios. One was an interview with Dr. Mary Newport. Her husband developed Alzheimer’s, so she went looking for a treatment and found coconut oil. His condition improved. She then proceeded to mix it with MCT oil and he sipped it throughout the day. She recommended all the other coconut products as well: coconut flakes, water, flour, sugar. She also talked about good coconut oil products from Japan who has been using it for weight loss for 20 years. It also helps with Parkinsons. As part of a ketogenic diet it may help with Autism and seizures. Some people can get a form called Axona by prescription. She also recommended massaging the oil into muscles for pain. Now you can buy peanut butter with coconut oil in it. I did some cleaning. Chris came home for lunch. Kelly called to borrow a seam ripper. I got one and walked out to the street. She drove up to get it and we commenced to chat in the middle of the street. Chris left for work. I went back to e-mail and audios. I drank a chocolate shake with coconut oil, coconut water and MCT oil. Jane called and asked me to sign her in at 3:45. Denee called to go to the corner market. I said yes, but forgot to get ready while listening to the audio. She showed up and I let her in while I went to the bathroom. She remarked on our wooden chest so I told her the story and opened the doors so she could see the quilts inside. Thus ensued a mini-quilt show. Then we left for the market. On the way down the hill, we ran into Paul. I talked to him about getting bumped. He assured me that in the future other groups would be encouraged to seek other facilities on our sewing day. Then we walked to the market. I got cucumbers and yellow peppers. I saw persimmons, but they were really expensive. Denee wanted to see the regular market, so we walked out into town. I stopped at GS25 to get lemons. We walked around the store, then back to the street. I pointed out the Foot Shop. Soon we arrived at the everyday market. We found a place to buy persimmons. I showed her Nature Republic and Daiso. I looked for little pots for lip balm and they had some but they were bigger and not as good a deal as at GS25 (although better than at Office Depot). Jane called to say she was at the base. We walked quickly back. Denee went on home and I signed Jane in. We walked to the ATM for her to get cash. I gave her a persimmon. They were getting crushed in the bag. She told me to meet her tomorrow at 3:45. I signed her out and walked up the hill. Akia and her husband stopped to give me a ride. I accepted because it was hot. They dropped me off and I walked to my front door. Denee had left the bag I lent her on the front handle. I put my groceries away. I ate the two persimmons that had squished. The rest went in the freezer. I checked Amazon for little pots and read tons of reviews. I finally chose a set, and added a few other things to up the total for free shipping. I read e-mail for a while. It was getting dark so I went outside to pick some dandelion and lettuce. I added chopped pepper and cucumber for a salad. I read comments on interviews from the Alzheimers summit. I called Chris to see why he wasn’t home yet. I did today’s puzzle. I called Myra to see what she had been up to. Chris came home. He decided not to eat supper because it was late. We watched two episodes of Bones and he went to bed. I stayed up to blog.
* this pic is from yesterday *

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