Monday, September 12, 2016

Chocolate Quakes

I heard Chris leave early this morning for PT. I stayed in bed for what seemed like a long time, and then my alarm rang. I got up soon after to start the day. It was Monday so I made it a coffee morning, but early so I could help Nela with her pack out. I was going to water the plants, but I discovered that it had rained. About 11, I called Myra who was at Nela’s house. She said Nela did not need help, and that she would call me after she ran some errands. She did call later to say the errands were taking longer than she expected. I listened to audios from the supplement summit and from the Tooth Summit. Orthotropic solutions are better than orthodontic ones. I worked the puzzle for today. I played Free Cell so long that my hand hurt. I looked up that puzzle to find out of it were unsolvable. But there was a solution. However there are several puzzles that cannot be solved, including #’s -1 and -2. Of course, to see what they were, I had to take a loss each time. I could not find a way to select a specific game without Free Cell counting the random one it gave me as a failure. I put on an audio and melted coco butter in a dish on a pan on the stove while I listened. I mixed in some cacao powder. Chris came home from work. I added sugar and vanilla. It was for Nela, but Chris did not know that and he stuck his finger in the chocolate to taste it. I took it off the stove to cool down but it wasn’t getting thick. Then I put it back on the stove to heat up a little – tempering. Finally I poured it into molds, some with almonds, some without. The smaller molds went into the fridge and the larger one I put in my cutting room. I re-drew some of the pattern pieces to reflect changes I wanted to make for version 4. While working in my sewing room, everything started to shake. Was I having a stroke, or was it an earthquake? Yes, in Daegu as it turns out, a 4.9. Myra called to tell me. We both hoped the fabric market was ok. The shaking was scary, but Chris said it was cool – his first earthquake. I guess he missed all the admittedly minor ones in Augusta. I got out a print fabric for version 4. I pulled out two solids that might go with the print. I took a pic. Then Chris hooked my laptop to the TV and we watched two episodes of House while I took out part of the hem of version 3. The house shook again, harder than before and for longer. But nothing fell or broke. Still, it was disquieting. After House, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to delete some new e-mails and post to my blog.
* Which goes better, the green or the blue? *

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