Thursday, September 22, 2016

No Netflix

I woke up about 8 but was in the twilight state between sleep and consciousness. I stayed there to do some mental programming but my mind kept wandering. At 9, I got out of bed. I watered the plants and realized it was sprinkling ever so slightly. I read e-mail for a while. I did some yoga moves while listening to audios from the summit. I swept the wood floors. Then I made and ate breakfast. Chris called to say he was on his way home. I hopped in the shower. Chris came home and offered to get in the shower with me. I filled the water pitchers and got dressed. I read e-mail until it was time to go. I headed to town. On the way down the hill, I met Denee. We chatted for a bit. Then I walked to Foot Shop. My masseuse was a new lady named Mrs. Yo. She gave me a pretty good massage but not quite like Mr. Kim. I got dressed and made an appt for next week. I asked the clerk why he was not here two weeks ago – he said baby so I congratulated him. Then I went to the Chinese massage place. I asked for a leg massage because Mrs. Yo took it easy on my IT bands. I was given a pair of black disposable panties to wear. Then the usual man came in. He did a good job. On the way out, I asked his name and the owner told me. I practiced the new names on the way out. But when crossing the street, a black van beeped at me. It was Kelly and her husband, waving. Then I forgot his name. I walked back to base, stopping at Housing to ask where the lower light switch was and to apologize for leaving the light on last night. I went home and drank water. Myra called and wanted to go for a walk, so I put on my shoes and replanted some seedlings until she came by. We walked the trail and all around the post. We got back to her place and did one more loop then she had to go make supper. But first we walked to the new couple’s place next door to tell them about the even on Sunday. I walked Myra home and came back to my place. I read e-mail until Chris came home from the chapel. He made himself supper and cooked some chickpeas that had soaked all night. I ate some seed crackers and butter. I read e-mail and started watching life hack videos on Youtube. Chris plugged my laptop up to the TV to watch House but could not connect to Netflix. So we watched a DVD called Tomb Raider. I looked up Angelina Jolie and was shocked to see she is divorcing Brad. I wrote up my blog post and went to bed.
* Here is a pic Jane sent me from her camera on CacaoTalk. *

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