Friday, September 30, 2016

Another rainy day

Last night before I went to bed, I boiled water and poured it over the dehydrated sweet potato sticks to clean them and then laid them out on a towel to dry.
I woke up at 8:30. It was raining again. I did not bother watering anything. I put the sweet potato sticks on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven on the lowest setting. I drank water and got on my laptop to read e-mail and listen to the next round of talks. At 9:45 I noticed a text from Denee who needed a seam ripper yesterday. So I threw one in my purse. I got dressed and met Myra near her place. We walked to the chapel where Denee was waiting. I gave her the seam ripper. Anna joined us and we chatted for a while until the speaker was ready. Mia came too, so there were five of us for NEO training. I was surprised how short it was: just a few slides. If we hadn’t asked questions, it might have only taken 5 minutes. There was no info on what should be in a NEO packet and what should be in a NEO bag. But we were told there would be lots of e-mails put out before the exercise in early November. After it was over, we stayed to chat about issues on base and the vote for a new FRG board next week. From there, Myra and I walked to the Nex. We each bought a pillow for the stuffing. Then we walked home. Myra had to get ready for the Ombudsman appreciation luncheon. I listened to more audios. If I took notes, I don’t know where they are. I put cocoa butter on the stove to melt while I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch sopping wet. I mixed in the coco powder and honey with the melted cacao butter. It was looking good. I put in the vanilla and stirred. Chris came over to look. The chocolate seized. Arrgh! It was not possible to dip the sweet potato sticks in the seized chocolate so I tried forming a ball of chocolate around one. I ate it but it wasn’t a particularly tasty combination. I don’t know why. I put the rest of the chocolate in molds and pressed cashews into them. The molds went into the fridge. I ate some of the potato sticks. I went back to my laptop. Amber contacted me to set up a meeting tomorrow to talk about ideas for a new FRG board. I wrote two checks and put them in envelops. I walked to the post office. I told them I wanted to buy a roll of stamps if their credit machine was working but only two if I had to pay cash. They sold me their last 17 stamps. I hated to take all they had, but he assured me they would get more next week. So I mailed the checks. I walked home in the rain, getting really tired of wet feet. My shoes shrink when they dry. As I played an audio, I lengthened the last two pattern pieces for the ball gown. I taped packing paper over the windows to audition the light-diffusing properties. It looked bad but it’s just temporary. I fell asleep after eating potato sticks and a persimmon. I woke up when Chris came home. He made and ate supper. He moved the coffee table so I could vacuum the rug. Then we rolled up the rug so I would have room to lay out my fabric to cut. I took notes for my blog until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched three episodes of Bones. I checked out a website to see what wedding gifts a couple is registered for. But I just couldn’t decide what to order. One of the links did not go through and I wondered if that had something to do with my IP address being in Korea. I decided to write up my post and leave the choosing for tomorrow.
* This is damage from the feral pigs. We found it this morning. It is right outside our bedroom window but we never heard them. *

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