Friday, September 16, 2016

Brewing party

I got up after 8 to find that Chris was already up and at his laptop. I got dressed and went outside to water the potted plants. The grass was wet like it had rained overnight. I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. Chris mixed up a pan of brownies. He changed the recipe, as usual. He did not tap out the air bubbles before he put the pan in the oven. When it baked, two big air pockets developed in the middle, like two small mountains. He cut up the brownies and put them on a plate. Eventually I pushed myself away from the computer and stayed in my cutting room until I came up with a plan to cut the pattern pieces on the bias. I cut out five pieces. It was after noon when Chris went to work. Today is a bit of a holiday since Chusok was yesterday. I continued to work on the dress by sewing sections together. I took a break to call Myra and Nela. I made and ate breakfast. I cut out a front from a different fabric – the green one. But somehow it was too short. Chris came home while I was sewing. He got chorizo out of the fridge and picked up the plate of brownies. I put on my shoes and we walked to the chaplain’s house where he was having an outdoor brewing party. I went inside where his wife and Danielle were, to hang with them. Chris stayed outside to regal the men with his stories and drink homebrew. Kathy made some kind of gluten-free cheese biscuits. She made some of the dough into patties to be used as buns. She and I ate burgers that way. I sat outside beside Mandy. Bernie came with her little girl. Kids ran around. Eventually someone built a fire and, like a moth, I had to go over there and hang around. I talked to a man who wanted to live off the grid someday, but with Youtube for info on how to fix things. That went on until after dark. The kids roasted marshmallows. I wanted to roast one myself, but I wasn’t going to eat it anyway. Chris was still having beers with the guys. It started raining very lightly. I approached Chris about leaving before any deluge and he was amenable. He kissed me with his beer breath and it nearly made me tipsy. We walked home and on the way he declared his undying love. I said he should have brought another beer for the road. When we got back, it was early enough that we watched two or three episodes of House. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to blog.

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