Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Busy morning

I woke up at 7 thinking I heard my phone alarm. I put out the recyclables (including all the boxes that I broke down last night) out at the curb, and went back to bed, leaving the door open so I could hear. I heard the alarm at 7:30 and got up a little before 8. I drank my quart of water and took some vitamin C packets. I had restarted my desktop last night thinking it would be rebooted by morning, but it was stuck on some question that needed answering before it would continue. When it booted up, it was not responsive to the mouse so I had to reboot it again. I tried Skyping my brother to get the video working. I had not realized that I unplugged the video cam when I plugged in my camera cord. But, the resulting video feed was not good. So Kurt talked me through Skype on the new laptop. Skype Preview was already on there, and that was sufficient. But the audio was terrible. We investigated settings but did not find anyway to mitigate the scratchiness of it. So I turned on my tablet. This time Skype worked on it with no problems. And just in time to call my tapping buddy. But when the call went through, he was not getting any video feed from me. It might have been his phone, who knows. So we tapped together with him not seeing me. But at least we could hear each other clearly. Near the end of the call, the tablet battery ran down, so I had to run to the cord and plug it in. I called Denee to see if I could still make the food handling class. She suggested I drive right over. I changed my shirt and ran to the car, drove to the building, then had to park down the street. I ran to the food handling class. There was a short video on food handling in restaurants. Then we had a discussion with the medical person in charge of the class. And that was it. 20 minutes. I went home and drank my chocolate shake with a quick look at e-mail. Then I went to Housing for sewing class. Chantel was already there. We chatted as we set up the room. Then Myra and others arrived. Someone made a pumpkin. Someone worked on an ironing mat. And a third person worked on a costume for her daughter. When the pumpkin was finished, I went home for breakfast. I saw the pics of Michele at Ashley's wedding, and I cried because she looked so grown up. I called Myra and we met to walk on the trail. We decided to hit the post office. I got a package but could not remember what I had ordered/ Then Myra went to the commissary but I went home. I picked some dandelion. I looked at healthy treat ideas on Pinterest. Time was running out so I made and ate a salad. I got an e-mail from Chris that he was coming home early because his last meeting of the day was canceled. I started listening to an audio on herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms. I paused it to go to sewing class.
Everyone was already there even though I was right on time. I cut fabric for Kelly to make a quilt. Myra helped the others make pumpkins and a potholder. Jadyn traced pieces to make the most involved pumpkin. He cut some out and took the others home. Amber took some templates home to make more pumpkins. Then we all pitched in to clean up the room. We were only 5 minutes late getting out. As I walked home, I saw a taxi pull up to our house and heard a rolling suitcase. Chris got to the front door just before I did. I stood by chatting with him while he unpacked. Then we watched two episodes of House. I took half a milligram of melatonin and posted to my blog, then headed to bed.

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