Friday, October 7, 2016

The one puzzle I can't solve

I did not hear Chris get up for his 5 am conference call. And I assume he went running because there was a wet t-shirt draped over the hamper. The head pains did not start immediately upon waking, but soon after I opened my eyes. But they were not bad or frequent. I noticed a patch of my scalp hurt, as though I had the flu. So I doused my head with a mixture of castor and coconut oil. I wanted to wrap my head to keep the oil in, but a towel seemed too bulky and I couldn’t think of anything else. I put hydrogen peroxide in each ear, but there was no fizzing. I sat down at my laptop to drink water and clear e-mail. I put on a video which was a collection of interviews. It was not nearly as informative as the one yesterday. I worked today's puzzle. I made a to-do list and wasn’t able to think of much. I paused the interviews and watered the plants. I found a reddish tomato, so I picked it. I put my home made salves in a bowl on a pot of water on the stove. I softened each one enough to add the missing lemon oil, then put each one back in its container to solidify again. I started a Swanson’s order, but needed one more item to get the special offer. Chris came home for lunch while I was making up supplements for the week. I stopped long enough for him to make his lunch. I was feeling dizzy so I did just enough to get the special offer.
I submitted the order – or thought I did. I took a break, then finished assembling the supplements. I put the bottles away, and cleaned some stuff off the dining room table. I cleaned up the kitchen counters, then made and ate breakfast. I listened to one of the songs for Sunday on Youtube. That led to videos on making things from plastic bottles (downspout, netting, magnifying bubble, vacuum cleaner attachment, mousetrap, self-watering planter, etc.) Then I watched him make a blade sharpener from his old hard drive. I laid down to listen to an audio, and fell asleep. When I got up, I read more e-mail. Then I put on another audio and worked on my dress. I picked up all the cut out pieces lying around and put them together so I could baste the solid pieces to the lacy pieces to make one piece of each. But the matching was really hard because the solid pieces were so stretchy. I matched and basted the back piece, but the side pieces were still a problem. Chris came home from work. My back started to hurt so I laid down and did some stretches. Chris made and ate his usual supper. I washed up some lettuce and added cucumber. I cleared more e-mail. I made an on-line donation to Childreach for the children in Haiti. I went to start a new Swanson's order and it showed that I hadn't submitted the first one, but the offer had expired. I put on an audio and examined the dress pieces to see if I could identify side front panels from side back panels. Not well enough. Chris was ready, so we sat down to watch two episodes of Castle. I spotted a large centipede crawling under one of the livingroom chairs. I called out to Chris and he slapped it with a shoe. Then I put the food waste in the container for tomorrow’s pick-up. I posted to my blog with the intention of going to bed.
* The ball is one week from today and the dress is still in pieces. *

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