Saturday, October 22, 2016

Chinhae Chili Cook-off

I got up about 8:30, Chris was already up, playing his game while the chili cooked. I looked for a CD to boot my old laptop. Chris found an Ubuntu CD. He used it to boot the laptop and then started the download process for backing up all the user files. I drank my quart of water while watching the boot process. I swept the floor. I checked e-mail on both the new laptop and the desktop. I had trouble signing into Pinterest because it did not like my password. So I had to change it and then change it back. Kathy texted me about making a bean bag chair for the library. So I looked into cost of materials vs. buying one from Amazon. I read about free energy and using magnets to affect fluids. They were selling a book on the subject, but when I tried to buy it, the transaction would not go through.
I listened to an audio from the Menopause Summit about steaming the vaginal area with herb water. Then I listened to an NLP audio while I looked into hair mineral analysis.
Chris left to deliver chili to the pavilion. I got dressed, and removed my shiny thumbnails. They were starting to look ragged. Chris came back from delivering the chili. We walked back together. I spoke to Myra and then the tasting started. We each got little cups and went down the line, getting a small amount dropped into our cup. I wrote the numbers one through 13 on my cup. For each one, I put a rating from 1 to 10. No chili got less than 6, and one got an 8. Then I submitted my vote and got an empty bowl from Chris (bowls were $5). I filled it from #5. We were allowed a refill, so I got some of #9 (which was a 7.5 on my cup). I sat and talked with several people. I told Amber that it would have been nice to award the chili winner with an apron, and she said I could make one for the runner-up. Eventually the crowd thinned out and the servers got to eat. When the votes were counted, there was a 4-way tie. Myra said we could make 4 aprons. Someone picked a name out of the four and that made Akia the top winner. (#5) Then Chris and I took our chili home. He plugged it in to heat up again. I read e-mail. I played around with fonts to spell "Chinhae Chili Champion" for the aprons. I searched my desktop computer, but did not find a suitable chili pepper to embroider on it. I took 15 tiny containers from the box of 50, and washed them in hot, soapy water. Then I carefully filled them with the lip balm I had made. It was sticky business at best and then I had a hot flash which made melted everything I touched.
Myra called to invite us over when they lighted the firepit. So we kept a lookout for that once it got dark. I was reading e-mail, and finally called Myra. She said they were sitting around the fire and wondering where we were. We could not see the flames, so thought it hadn't started yet. I put on pants and a coat. Chris made himself a cup of coffee to bring, and he got two folding chairs from the shed. We walked down to Myra's place where she and Scott and Ross were sitting. Thunder was running around looking for sticks and pinecones. Danielle came out presently. I gave her one of the lip balms. We chatted for over an hour and then we heard fireworks. So we made our way up to the antenna circle to watch. It was quite impressive. Oct 22 must mark an historic occasion. We continued to chat and throw pinecones for the dog to chase. Finally, we got up to go home. Chris went down to get the chairs. I walked home. I found slugs on the porch. I guess it's Miller time. I opened the door for Chris. Then I went inside to change. It was almost 10 and I wanted to watch House, but did not want to be up late again. Chris checked my laptop and saw that the download process had ended abnormally, saying there was not enough space on the terabyte drive. I decided to post to my blog even though we might stay up a bit yet.

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