Saturday, October 29, 2016

Community Halloween

Chris got up early to go running. I went back to sleep. I got up just before 9. I sat by the sunniest window and caught up on my Sudoku puzzles. Then I drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I looked up the large intestine meridian because the doctor told me mine was weak. I traced it backwards and forwards. I watched Youtube videos on tracing and stretching the meridians. I was looking for a hot flash meridian point when Linda texted me that she needed some black ribbon. So I found some and got dressed before she came over to get it. We chatted for a little bit, then she left. I cut some toilet paper tubes into rings. I played with the fishing pole. It was too easy. I reshaped the hook. It was a little better. I needed more circles. I found another tube in the trash and cut it up. I got some cheap ribbon from my sewing room and covered 12 rings with light green, dark green, pink and orange. I made one silver ring from foil for the top prizes which were toy gift baskets from the commissary. I texted Amber that I was ready to bring the aprons over, but then I realized that Myra had the aprons. So I took my tube rings and went over to Myra's place to pick up the aprons. She showed me her impromptu gypsy costume. She gave me some stuff to make one too. From there I went to Amber's place to drop off the aprons. She was so happy with how they turned out. She gave me a bag of toilet paper tubes, too. When I got home, I cut them up so the colored circles would be a smaller proportion of the total number. I made two bowls of popcorn. I filled the plastic gloves that had fingernails painted on them. But it was slow going to stuff kernels in each finger. So I stopped at two bowls even though there were more painted plastic gloves. Then I went in my sewing room to make some kind of costume. I found a planet print so I used that: 2 rectangles of fabric, sewed up the sides partway, and across the top (except for the middle). I slipped it on, and ripped about 4 inches in the front to make a v-neck. I found a stretchy black textured knit to use as a cape of sorts. I took a long slinky scarf and coiled it. It fit my head, so I wrapped it with shiny cord but then it was too small. I re-made it and the same thing happened. The third time it was too big.
I ate some kimchi and made seed crackers. While they were baking, I mixed up some spice mixture which will last about 3 weeks. I sat to read e-mail. I grabbed a few boxes for displaying prizes. I wrote "Fishing Game" on my whiteboard. I listed the color of the rings but did not know what prizes to list with each. Chris and I laid the rug back down in the living room. (We had taken it up a month ago for me to cut out fabric pieces for my Navy Ball dress.)
Chris helped me tear down the table in my sewing room and carry it to the curb. I brought out the prizes and sticks and whiteboard. I waited by the sidewalk until Myra picked me up. We loaded the table and all my stuff in her car. We drove to the commissary. Scott and Chris moved the cones so we could get through. We parked across the street, giving plenty of room for trunk or treat cars. We unloaded her car and set up my table. But Scott had a regular folding table for us. I threw my makeshift table cloth over it. Kim lent us some Halloween banners from the commissary. We set out the prizes, and hemmed and hawed about which color rings should net which prizes. We arranged the prizes in descending order, then proclaimed which ones went to brown circles, green circles, pink/orange circles and the silver circle. As kids came by, they fished and were told which prizes they were eligible for. We were running low on popcorn, so Myra got someone to fill in for her and ran home to make more. She put it in baggies and came back. Some kids came back to fish for a second time. We did not care since we had so many prizes. The CO picked up a bunch of little planes. Later the CSO picked up some orange ping pong balls. Time seemed to creep by slowly even though we were having a relatively good time. It was cold and the coat I had on under my gypsy cape was barely enough. Myra went to where the commissary was cooking hot dogs and hamburgers. She got a hotdog for herself and a hamburger with no bun for me. But it wasn't done inside so she took it back and got me another. The event was supposed to last from 5 to 8, but people were packing up by 7. The cake walk activity had given away all the cakes and cupcakes and hams (which I would have walked for). The bouncy house was almost empty and the trunk or treat cars had left. We gave away all the prizes we could and then poured the rest into the ring bucket. We tore down the table and packed the car. Myra took me home and went back for Scott. Chris helped me bring stuff in. I took my supplements. I read e-mail and then we watched three episodes of House. I sat in front of my laptop wondering if I could remember everything that happened today. I did my best to write it all down and then we went to bed.

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