Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Antique Store

Even though I went to bed a little early, I got up late. I filled a water pitcher. I drank water while reading e-mail on the new laptop. E-mail messed up with Firefox, so I went to the desktop to delete e-mail. I listened to David Wolfe talk about dehydration, how water with sea salt can 'cure' what looks like autoimmune issues but really started with dehydration.
A little after 9, I went to the gym with Myra. First we worked out in the weight room, then we went to the gym for stretching and balance exercises. Then we went to the cardio room to use the treadmills. After that, we went in the sauna. Then we split for lunch. I half expected to see Chris then remembered he was in Seoul. I made and drank my chocolate shake and ate some seed crackers. I listened to some audios. Then I met Myra at her place. We went to the commissary to discuss going to the antique store with Kem. Then we went to Security to get her car. We stopped by the post office. I got a very nice card from MaryAnn's sister. Then we drove out in town to Home Plus. I had taken the large binder clip off of my rolling cart bag to use on my sewing table. So we looked around Home Plus for another one. All I found was a large bag clip, but it did the job. Then we went into the market, threading our way through the throngs to find food. She got vegetables, and I got mostly fruits, plus lettuce and kimchi. I asked at several places for old kimchi but no one had it so I finally bought fresh. We made our way back to the Home Plus parking deck and came back to base. She dropped me and my food at my place. I unloaded the bag, ate some fruit and laid on the sofa, exhausted. Then I checked e-mail. Chris called at 5. As I talked to him, I went outside to water the plants. After he hung up, I put on my shoes and walked to the commissary. Kim was there, but Myra was not, so we drove up to her place. She was standing in the street talking to someone in a car. That's what happens around here, since everybody knows everybody else.
We picked her up and drove out in town to the antique place. Some of it was old and some wasn't. There was a lot of stuff to see. He gave me several items for free. I bought a bronze/copper lotus incense bowl. Myra and Kim bought lots of stuff. I took lots of pictures. Then Kim pulled her car up to the front door and loaded the stuff in. She drove us back to post. She dropped me off at home. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I watched a video interview of a doctor talking about the benefits of ozone therapy. Then I pulled up the next episode of House on Netflix. I paused it to start getting the recyclables together. I swallowed some melatonin and tryptophan. Then I watched the episode. I got out my tablet to make sure I could use it to skype my tapping buddy tomorrow but for some reason it said I needed a code. I had to put in my e-mail address. So I checked e-mail on the laptop to get the code. It must have been 20 characters long! I tried the link but that path dried up before I got to where I needed to be. So I typed the code into the tablet. It told me it was incorrect and to try again. So I did, and then it said the code had already been used. !??! I turned off the tablet, and closed the laptop. I pulled up my pics on my phone and took pics of the screen with my camera. I downloaded the pics to the desktop. Then I typed up my blog. I had meant to go to bed early, but that had been overcome by 'events'. I hoped I could fall asleep quickly.

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