Monday, October 31, 2016

Bad orange

I got up just after 8, ready for my coffee morning. I sewed up holes in my socks. I swished while straining the coffee grounds prior to simmering. The 5 lb bag has lasted so long in the freezer that the plastic lining is coming off into the coffee. But I used the last of it. I drank a quart of water and exercised. I listened to soothing music and tapped. I could feel depression coming on because it was a cold, gray day and the blinds were drawn ('cause I was still in my nightgown). After the process, I cleaned in the kitchen and bath. I aded glue from my glue gun to the bottom of my pail so it would be more bottom-heavy. Chris came home for lunch. He reminded me to go to the gym with my passport and packet for NEO. He also had two boxes from the post office. Halloween toys! After he left, I drank a mug of green tea. I noticed two small oranges on the window sill from the five day market. One was showing mold so I threw it out. The other looked fine, so I ate it. Soon I noticed my arms aching. My chest felt tight. Then the nausea started. I prayed to God that I would not toss my cookies, because I just hate that, even knowing I will feel better afterward. But it was unavoidable. I did feel a little better, but not my usual self. I called Myra. We talked about the toys. She said she had done nothing today and felt cold. Her plan was to go to NEO tomorrow morning. I planned on going this afternoon, but never did feel like going outside. I read e-mail and watched a Louise Hay movie. The new laptop would not play it loud enough to hear, so I also played it on the desktop and synced the two so I heard the desktop but watched the laptop. I ate seed crackers with hummus, and later, a carrot. Then I listened to audios. One was from the menopause summit. She described an essential oil mix for symptoms. I saved it to my essential oil yahoo file. She recommended sniffing peppermint or grapefruit oil to suppress appetite. I read about how to make a body gel from stuff I already have. I took notes on oils for other things. I made and ate breakfast. I ate a cucumber. Chris came home from work. He suggested it was time to turn on the heat. Easier said than done. Finally he had to turn off all the thermostats. Then turning them on gave him the option to set them for heat. I realized that we were back to hearing the heating unit turn itself on and off all night long. Sigh. He made his supper. I made up a roller ball of Hormone Balance lotion and rolled it over my ovaries as the speaker suggested. I did yoga poses to relived the pain in my legs. We watched two episodes of House.
* A field of green tea *

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