Sunday, October 23, 2016

On the trail of pinecones

We got up late, too late for Chris to go to church. I drank my quart of water and read e-mail until 9:15. Then I played a video called "Consumed" until 9:45. It was about a mother whose kid got sick from eating GMO food. I took my shower and got dressed for church. I watched another 5 minutes. I put some more lip balms in my purse and drove myself to the chapel, parking at the school. Jane did not come. I sat in our regular pew, but at the other end because 4 new people were sitting where Jane and I usually sit. After all the singing, we shook hands with everyone. Then we had the reading and communion. I asked Suzanne about her acupuncturist. The sermon was from Daniel, having faith whether God intervenes in the bad times or not. After the service, I handed out the 4 lip balms I had with me. I talked to Kathy for a while, and then Suzanne offered to get me an appointment with her acuppunturist, who specializes in women's issues. Maybe there's a needle for night sweats? Then I called Chris to meet me at the commissary. I went and got coconut milk and water. Chris showed up while I was talking to Kim. He and I got our groceries and put them in the car. I drove us home, just for the practice. I changed my clothes. I made breakfast and finished the video. I called Myra to go walking. She came over to see the text I had prepared for the aprons. Then she and I walked the trail twice, stopping to pick up pine cones, and chatting with Amber and her group. In addition to the 4 mile walk, we also used the exercise stations for arm exercises. It was getting dark when we split up. When I got home, Chris was gone. I ate a bowl of chili. I listened to an audio on light while I did several Sudoku puzzles, trying to catch up. The speaker said incandescent bulbs were much better for your eyes than LED bulbs. He recommended low wattage halogen bulbs on direct current. Dr. Mercola said he turned his f.lux software down to 2300K, even during the day so I turned mine down, too, and set it to block blue light around the clock. I caught up on the Sudoku puzzles. Chris came home and made himself supper. I took my evening supplements with lemon water. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of House. He went back to his game. I cleared a little more e-mail and then posted to my blog.
* this is a pic taken last week from the antique shop *

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