Sunday, August 13, 2017

Arriving at the beach

I slept fitfully last night. I could hear every person who walked by our door. Many of them were talking. I could also hear revved engines speeding down the main street. The door wouldn't shut tightly and I had to lean my suitcase on it to cut down on the light coming from the parking lot. To top it off, the toilet refilled itself several times each hour. But Chris slept through it all.
I got up before Chris did. I had oiled my hair the night before, and (having forgotten my shampoo), washed the oil out with hand soap in the shower. It was a nice shower with good water pressure. I made breakfast while Chris shaved and took his shower. I ate my breakfast with a plastic spoon while Chris ate his leftovers with the chopsticks I saved from last night. I lent him my spoon when I was done. I also ate some cherries. Then I read some e-mail and packed up.
I shut off the computer and we packed the car. We drove around to the entrance with the front desk. Chris checked out and I told the lady how noisy the room was last night and why. She nodded but did not write anything down.
Then Chris programmed his phone to take us to the beach house. He followed the voice directions for the long trip. Well, not quite as long as yesterday. We stopped to buy drinks. I watched the scenery go by. I slept. I sorted more fabric squares. My flip phone rang. It was William Damour giving us the phone number of the beach house and asking when we expected to arrive. We were about an hour out.
When we got to the house, we parked. Al and Cecily came out to greet us. Cecily sent Al and Chris to the store. She took me all over the house to see the layout and everything. It was three stories, with a pool, across the street from the beach. William and Olivia were in the pool, watched by Becca.
Al and Chris returned from the store with food. The adults sat and talked about dinners for the next week. Cecily came up with two more items. So then Chris and I walked to the Fresh Market that we could see from the kitchen window. While he picked out the coffee she wanted, I looked around the store. I decided to get some avocados. Then we picked up a dozen eggs and checked out.
We walked back to the beach house. We all gathered upstairs in the kitchen, around a large square of granite. At 6, Cecily and Chris and Becca and Olivia made supper. Cecily told me I was in charge of the bin of tomatoes that she brought from her garden. I figured that meant that if anyone wanted a tomato, they had to ask me. But no, she meant that I was in charge of slicing up tomatoes for supper.
Chicken was breaded and baked. A large bowl of spinach made it to the table. Small bowls of onions, and parmesan, and mushrooms sat beside it. Chris set the table. And then we all sat down to pray and eat.
After supper, we sat around talking. But after hearing that it had rained every day here and might rain the rest of the week, I wanted to walk on the beach. Daylight was fading so we had to go right away. Al and Olivia wanted to come along. So the three of us walked across the street to the beach access. When we got to the beach, Olivia and I took off our shoes. I ran through the sand to stand in the surf. It was wonderful! Then we walked along the beach, noting the jellyfish washed up on shore. There were also holes made by sand crabs. We saw several sand castles before we walked back. It was almost dark when we got back.
Al unraveled the hose by the pool and we washed off our feet. I checked the hot tub. The water looked cloudy and smelled funny. I turned some switches by the hose and lights came on, including a colored one in the pool. William and Olivia decided to go for a swim. Cecily and I watched them. Then she and William left. When Olivia was done, I turned off the lights and went inside. I was going to post to my blog, but Chris and Becca were having a heated discussion upstairs in the kitchen. I sat and listened. Then Olivia asked if anyone wanted to sit on her deck. So Becca and Cecily went. Then Cecily wanted Chris to go and identify a sound some night critter was making. I talked to Al for awhile and then checked out what Chris was doing. He said it was a frog sound.
I went to our room to get my evening supplements, but I couldn't find them in the suitcase. I moved the decorative items on the dresser to one side. Then I unpacked my suitcase and food bags. Finally I found my supplements and took them with Smart Water. From the ingredients, it was magnesium that made it smart.
I got dressed for bed and took a book into the bathroom. I got too interested in it and delayed posting. I had to make myself put the book down and get out my laptop. Then I typed up my blog post for the day. Chris came to bed and got on his laptop. I went looking for my phone to download the pics, but could not find it. So I posted what I wrote and went to bed.

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