Sunday, August 6, 2017


I got up first to go to the bathroom. Then Chris got up, got dressed, and took the laundry down to get washed while the washers and dryers were free. He also had breakfast.
I swished with magnesium and coconut oil. I drank a quart of lemon water. I read some e-mail and then did some breathwork. Chris came back as I sat, not breathing. The video paused. It was not a good time to pause.
I started watching an episode of The Quilt Show. Then I took a shower and got ready for church. I watched some more while Chris took his shower.
At 10:10 we left the hotel and drove to the church. We had time to chat with people before the service started. I told Tim that I wanted to be on the Stewardship committee again. He said I could fill in for him in a few weeks and that there was a meeting this Tuesday.
We took our usual pew. It was a nice service, full of traditional hymns, just the way I like it. Afterward, there was a social hour with food. I got some fresh fruit and vegetables. I talked to a few more people, relishing in the feeling of being home.
Then we went to Publix for groceries. It was nice to shop in such a big store with so many choices. But it was more expensive than the commissary in Korea.
Then we drove us back to our room so we could put away the food. I exchanged my church dress for shorts and a top. I could see how overly-brown my shoulders were from the long walk we took yesterday.
I took my machine and drove to the Latter Day church where Renegades was making quilts for Linus project. It wasn't far from the Publix we had just shopped at. I parked in the front lot because the way to the back lot was barred. I carried in my machine and laptop case of notions. Most of the ladies were surprised to see me. They asked about Korea and how long I was here for. It was nice to be back.
They had to pack up early today and I was quite late, so Lynette gave me some organizing to do. I folded fabrics and placed them in tubs so they would fit. A few needed to be ironed so they would fold properly. New ladies introduced themselves to me. I took a few pictures of the Christmas quilts they were working on. Then as they packed up, I vacuumed the floor.
It was raining hard by the time we got out. I was glad my machine had a plastic cover on it. There was too much traffic to turn left, so I turned right. I drove by the old house. I saw the bushes were overgrown, but otherwise it looked ok. Then I went around the corner and back to base. When I got to the hotel room, I fumbled for my card key, but Chris couldn't hear me over the fridge noise.
I ate the rest of the cherries. I cleared some e-mail. I listened to an interview on treating hair loss. I looked at hashtag quilts online to get some inspiration for mine.
Kurt texted me on Skype. I looked up the health effects of the eclipse. I was hoping for something positive, but only found info indicating it could damage good fortune energies in your aura. It was not exactly what I had hoped to find.
I took a break to make breakfast. Leaving out the problem foods made it quite small. But that was ok, because Chris was cooking ground beef with onions for supper. I had some kimchi with mine and he had some rice with his.
I started reading my book from the library. It was easy because it was in large print. I had read it before and that made me brave enough to read it again even though I don't quite remember how it turned out.
I took a few minutes to jot down my blog for later, after we watch TV. I hate to keep Chris up while I write and there is no other room to go to.
About 8:30 we started watching agents of SHIELD. We saw two episodes. I was falling asleep. So Chris turned it off. Then I got up to finish my blog. Having taken my evening supplements already, I put in Holosync and went to bed.

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