Thursday, August 3, 2017

Surprising news from the dentist

I got up at 6:39, soon after Chris left. I messaged Myra to see if she was still up, but I guess she wasn't. I checked e-mail. I put coconut oil in my hair. I swished with both coconut oil and then with magnesium oil. I listened to an interview with Dr. Amen. Then I put the step stool in the tub and took a shower. I washed most of the oil out and also scrubbed the stool. The sides came clean but something was stuck to the step itself.
I trimmed flower stems and refreshed the water of the bouquet. Icut strip sets for QOV blocks, and packed strips and sewing notions into my laptop bag. I also packed an apple and a banana and some seed crackers. Then I grabbed the Brother machine and headed out to my car.
I gave myself half an hour to get to the dentist's office, but it only took 20 minutes. I signed in and sat down to wait. I had nothing to do so I closed my eyes. I waited. A lady came with an ipad. It had a form for me to fill out. There was a long list of symptoms I had to say if I have ever experienced. I answered no to almost all of them, wondering why they left out the symptoms of menopause.
About 10:15 the hygienist came out to get me. She apologized for being late. Then she took me back to the cleaning room. She brought me a heated pillow and a blanket and a knee pillow. She took digital x-rays of my teeth. The thing I had to bite down on hurt the soft tissues of my mouth and I wondered why they don't make a smaller one. After the x-rays, she took pictures of my two back molars with an intraoral camera. Then she cleaned my teeth and tested the gum pockets.
Finally the dentist came in. She looked in my mouth and said the two lower molars were fractured and that the space where food kept getting caught was caused by tone tooth missing a piece. She asked if I had bitten down hard on anything. I said no. She recommended crowns for both teeth before they cracked and fell out. I said I thought my teeth were meant to last a lifetime and she replied that your teeth are meant to last a lifetime – with the help of your dentist. She said that today's kids with their fluoride probably will have their teeth for a lifetime but that people from our generation didn't have fluoride and so won't be able to keep our teeth. She was talking to the wrong person if she wanted to sell that message. I told her that the last crown was a big problem for a long time and almost got me a root canal.
Then the hygienist polished my teeth. She took me to the front desk and told the secretary to have me back in 3 months for another cleaning because she couldn't get it all today. The secretary printed out the treatment plan for crowns for me to review later. I guess they can't take no for an answer.
I was going to go to quilting, but Chris had called several times during the office visit. I took the last call just as I was paying. He wanted me to call Housing and ask if we could look at the house that was coming available. It was already after noon so I just went back to base. I called Housing and talked to them, then left Chris a message saying they won't show it to us until they are finished with it next Friday and by then it may already be rented to someone else.
I took what I thought was the car title and walked to a building called One-Stop. I think I took the scenic route. Anyway, when I got there, some man was addressing everyone in the waiting room. Then he started calling out numbers and every so often someone would raise their hand. I stood and listened for a bit, then walked over to the info desk. Presently a man came up to ask what I wanted. I said I wanted tags and he handed me a number. Within a minute, my number was called and I went to the tag office. I handed them the title (which turned out to be an application for the title) and they looked up our insurance. Soon I was paying by credit card and receiving the plate. It was the easiest thing I'd done all day. And then I walked back to the hotel.
Chris called back, wanting to know the house number so we could drive by. I composed a message for a card and sealed it in an envelop. I walked the card to the post office. I mailed it, but forgot my keys so I couldn't check the PO box.
I came back, and drank several glasses of water. I read e-mail and made breakfast.
Chris came home from work. He changed clothes while I ate. Then we drove to the post office to check the mail – none. Then we drove up Goss Road looking for the house number. When we found it, we looked at it from the car while driving slowly down the road: big lot, sort of, and a truck in the driveway – probably the contractor. We went back to the hotel.
I looked up how to remineralize teeth. I diet high in minerals and low in phytic acid is key. And that means no nuts and seeds and chocolate. Darn!
I looked at houses for rent on Zillow. But Chris would rather rent on post even though the houses are small and expensive. Hopefully it will work out soon.
Chris made his supper. Then I had some cucumber and an apple while listening to an audio on insomnia. I paused it at 7pm when my tapping buddy called. We tapped for my issues around having crowns put in and risking root canals. Chris fell asleep on the bed.
When the call was over, I drank some salt water and took my evening supplements. I typed up my blog while boiling eggs to eat instead of nuts. Then I went back to researching how to remineralize teeth. There was an ache in my jaw by those teeth that wasn't there an hour ago. Was I afraid because those teeth hurt, or did those teeth start hurting because I was afraid?
* The Brother sewing machine *

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