Saturday, August 26, 2017

Checking out supplements

Chris' alarm did not go off this morning so we slept in. A hot flash woke me up because I did not turn the AC down last night. I got up to brush my teeth and went back to bed. That woke up Chris and he wanted to cuddle...
Later we got up to get ready for the day. He collected all the laundry and took it to the laundry room while I typed up my blog for yesterday.
Then I started watching episode 4 of GMO's Revealed: The National Organic Standards Board is increasingly being populated by people with ties to industry instead of the wide range of interests it was supposed to represent. Carageenan is allowed but should be avoided. Some of our organic foods have 'organic' ingredients being sourced from countries like China where corruption in the system makes their 'organic' claim suspect. Charcoal is the most anti-toxic substance on the planet according to David Wolfe.
While it was playing, I made a batch of seed crackers. Chris went to the big hotel to get breakfast and brought me two egg white omelets. Then he finished the laundry and we folded it together.
I looked up vitamin B-6, and prices for it. I looked at natural cures for bruxism, for which my massage therapist recommended B-6. I made seaweed soup with bone broth. It was pretty good.
Later, we drove to the parking lot of a former residential area. We walked the trail for about a mile and back. I had hoped to see a black cherry tree that I saw three years ago, but no luck.
When we got back, I read e-mail until Chris went to mass at the post chapel. Then I watched a video on making a chi ball. The next one was called “Taking charge of your health”. That guy talked about a 101 year old woman who sells advertising space. She credits his methods for her continued good health. I read an article on the best forms of magnesium.
Chris came home from mass, and looked up the location of the restaurant. I washed up but did not change my clothes. I wanted to wear something old in case I got food on it. At 6:30 we headed out. I told him which route I would take and he took it. On the way he said he could find a quicker way back. When we got there, I texted Beverly. We watched the koi fish in tubs out front. A lady came out and looked at the fish, too. When I mentioned that I was there for crab legs, she told me I would have to stand at the empty tub and wait for them to bring out the next batch. Hmm. Soon Beverly arrived. I introduced her and Chris. Then we went inside. The hostess showed us to a table. But we immediately went to the buffet to find food. I went to the crab legs station. There were three left. So I picked them up. I filled my plate with other things, like broccoli and chicken and sushi. We all ate together and I thought it was good. I went back for seconds, but the crab legs were gone again. So I got shrimp and tentacled things. As I was eating those, Beverly went to the crab station just in time to get a plate full and she shared them with me. Chris finished first. I got full and drank some water. It had ice in it and made me chilly. The waitress brought us fortune cookies. Mine said I had a great desire for a home. Surprisingly accurate for a cookie.
When we were done, Chris paid the bill and Beverly left a tip. We said goodbye in the parking lot. Chris drove us home, using the parkway instead of Sparkman.
When we got home, I went back to checking forms of magnesium for sale. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of SHIELD. Then he went to bed and I took my evening supplements before posting to my blog. I covered as many light sources as possible, then went to bed.

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