Monday, August 21, 2017

Sharing the eclipse

I woke up before Chris' 5:30 alarm, having a hot flash. I used the restroom and went back to bed. But I couldn't sleep. Chris got up a bit after his alarm rang. He showered and dressed in the relative dark; there was light coming around the door jamb from the hallway, and a bit of daylight at the windows. He went to breakfast and did not come back.
I waited, but decided there was no use trying to sleep. I opened the blinds and sat down to write my blog. I drank Berkey water as I wrote. When I had finished and posted it, I started the next one. I set a 20 minute timer on my laptop and started swishing. I read e-mail and answered it.
It wasn't long before the maid knocked on the door, asking if we needed clean towels. I explained about the smell and the baking soda. She vacuumed the room, and I thought the problem was solved.
I listened to an interview, and took some vit C. I made up 9 days worth of vitamins. Then I made breakfast. I ate it while reading more e-mail. To make room in the fridge, I ate the half a watermelon that we brought back from the beach. I was too full to go anywhere. I got a text from Kurt, but he seemed not to get my reply. After some tapping rounds, I washed up and got dressed.
I grabbed my sewing stuff and headed out . It was close to noon when I got to the church. Sheryl was there, although not for long, but I was glad to see her. Then Bertha and Carolyn and I started sewing. Bertha had a pair of special glasses for viewing the eclipse. Every so often, we went outside and took turns viewing the sun. The clouds threatened to ruin it. We might have missed the apex because one view had the crescent on the left and the next it was on the right. But the outdoors never got dark. Just an eerie quality of light.
Then we went back to sewing. I made a long strip of pairs of blocks. As we talked, Bertha said she would bring the blow-up mattresses next Monday and Carolyn said she would bring me a set of dishes.
At 3:30 I packed up and rushed to get to the post office, not being certain when it closed. But I made it. I walked out of the building with 5 boxes. I drove to the motel and called Chris. He came down from the room to help with the packages. Beside my car, another man was unloading his car. Chris said hello to him and the two discovered that they were going to the same place tomorrow, so he and Chris agreed to ride together (leaving me free to keep my car). Chris and I carried all my stuff inside. I noticed that the smell was still there and still strong.
I felt like reading my book, so I took it outside, intending to find a place to sit. I walked down a path I hadn't seen before, but turned back when I realized it was overgrown with poison ivy. I walked around the end of the motel and found a stone in the woods. But the gnats wouldn't leave me alone. Finally I sat on the steps and read.
Eventually, Chris came out of the building to attend a social function with his new friend. When he saw me sitting on the steps, he got a folding lawn chair from the trunk. I sat and continued to read and they drove away.
The sun got lower and lower as I read. But it was too interesting to put down. I had to rest my eyes occasionally. When I finally decided that the low light was worse than the smell of the room, I put down the book and folded the chair. At that moment, Chris returned. He put the chair back in the trunk and we went upstairs. I got something to eat and went back to reading. I knew e-mail was piling up, but I kept reading. 8 o-clock came and went.
It wasn't until 9:40 that I was able to put the book down, mostly read. I took my evening supplements. We watched one episode of SHIELD. Then Chris went to bed while I stayed up to blog.
* These are some of the many pairs of blocks I sewed today. *

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